Gian Piero | zh

Young the Giant这支独立摇滚乐队2004年成立于美国加州。乐队成员包括Sameer Gadhia(主唱)、Jacob Tilley(吉他)、Eric Cannata(吉他)、Payam Doostzadeh(贝斯吉他)和 Francois Comtois(鼓手)。 最初乐队取名为The Jakes,2008年他们自己录制了乐队的第一张专辑“Shake My Hand”,彼时乐队的两名成员还在上高中,其余的也在不同的大学读书。不久他们便决定搁下学业专心创作音乐。当时还留在乐队的Jason Burger后来离开了乐队,去纽约追寻自己自由音乐家的梦想,Franois Comtois就接替他作了乐队鼓手。2008年冬天,乐队赢得了一次网上竞赛,从而得到了一次于2009年1月在芝加哥的蓝调之屋为Kings Of Leon作开场表演的机会。两个月后,乐队又在奥斯丁的South by Southwest音乐节上进行了四场表演。2009年8月即签入了Roadrunner Records旗下。12月乐队宣布改名为Young the Giant。 在着手准备乐队首砖的同时,他们也在2010年与Minus The Bear和Steel Train一起进行了多场巡演。七月首砖录制完成,10月26日发行了数字版专辑,2011年1月随即发行了CD,反响良好。首单“My Body”一出便跻身于Billboard独立音乐榜单的第五名位置。2011年8月,Young The Giant乐队参加了2011MTV音乐录影带颁奖典礼并现场献唱。Morrissey已在他的粉丝互动网站上将Young the Giant纳入了他最喜欢的乐队之一。 .
Sleeping Giant represent a great and terrible day when all living things will return to dust; and their sound is as formidable as one might suspect the apocalypse should be. Sleeping Giant charged onto the Redlands, CA scene in 2006 with their bold and powerful live show, where in addition to being entranced by ominous guitars, crowds are met with burning passion from articulate front man Thom Green. The sincerity behind the words that pour out from Greens mouth is deeply rooted in the bands unwavering love for The Lord. Sleeping Giant are resolute in their goal to reach as...
Gianni Morandi (born December 11, 1944) is an Italian pop singer and entertainer. Born Gian Luigi Morandi in Monghidoro, Italy, he became of the best-known show-business personalities in Italy of the past four decades. He made his debut in 1962 and quickly placed high at or won a number of Italian popular song festivals, including the Canzonissima festival in 1969. In 1970, he represented Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest with Occhi Di Ragazza. His career went into a decline in the 1970s but underwent a revival in the 1980s. He won the Festival of San Remo in 1987, placed...
Gianluca Grignani (born 7 April 1972 in Milan, Italy) is an Italian singer-songwriter and guitarist. His musical career took off after meeting guitarist, and producer Massimo Luca. In 1995 Grignani managed a breakthrough with the album "Destinazione Paradiso" which sold two million copies within a year and for which he was awarded the Telegatto. He is well-known in Europe for his excellent lyrics and soft rock. One of his most famous songs, "La mia storia tra le dita", was re-recorded in Spanish with a translation where poetry seems to find the perfect match, titled "Mi historia entre tus dedos", it...