Atlas Genius | zh

نتاشا أطلس‎ (Romanization: Natacha Atlas; born 20 March 1964) is a Belgian singer known for her fusion of Arabic and Western electronic music. She once termed her music "cha'abi moderne" (modern popular music). Her music has been influenced by many styles including Arabic, French, Indian, jazz, drum 'n' bass, and reggae. Atlas began her career as part of the world fusion group Transglobal Underground. In 1995, she began to focus on her solo career with the release of Diaspora. She has since released seven solo albums and been a part of numerous collaborations. Her version of "Mon Amie La Rose"...
   Deerhunter的主音歌手Bradford James Cox化名,1982年出生於喬治亞州的雅典市,患有先天性基因變異的馬凡氏症(Marfan Syndrome)罕病。某個聖誕節Bradford的家人買了一台卡匣式伴唱機,荒廢許久直到12歲的Bradford開始使用這台機器為靈感創作音樂,即播放一捲帶子到一音軌上,再插上擴音器錄到前一音軌中結合,那時他為自己取名Atlas Sound,取自某專事生產大批磁帶播錄音機的廠牌。Bradford對自己最初的創作定位在10歲,當時的小Bradford已會將敲打鍋子之類的聲響錄下來。年輕時深受一些Doop-Woop與噪音車庫女子樂團的影響,高中時的愛團是Stereolab。    2007年著手錄製個人首張專輯「Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel」,翌年先後分由美國獨立廠牌Kranky與歐洲的4AD發行,此張專輯也找來Deerhunter的吉他主音Lockett Pundt。在"Ice As Cold"中伴奏。作品裡的音樂全程以電腦錄製,利用音樂軟體將樂器聲效予以紀錄在內。他解釋這是一張意識流的專輯,自傳式的歌詞反映許多他個人過往的經歷,如"Recent Bedroom"說的是小時候某個親人的離世經驗,儘管大人們對小Bradford噤聲,獨自在房裡的Bradford仍感受得到充斥在房間外的低靡氛圍漫延,因而悲傷籠罩心頭。又或者"Bite Marks"百無禁忌地觸及自身的同性經驗,在某訪問Bradford談及對方曾在他的肩頭留下封印似的咬痕,讓他對於施/受虐的性有不同以往的觀感,即使回憶不見得美好,但始終是成長的一部分,此作對他個人而言有著強烈的療效感受。特別的是有幾首歌詞是關於Lockett(即Lotus Plaza),整張也是獻給他的,Bradford對於Lockett的迷戀可見一班,高中時Bradford因組團透過友人延攬Lockett Pundt為Deerhunter草創班底。    談到獨創,Bradford認為solo與樂團中的不同在於,某些構想是無法和團體一起分享參與的,Deerhunter的音樂寫完後便照例按部就班接著錄製,然而他個人的作品只有在錄音當下才會被激盪應運而生。 Bradford/Deerhunter與Lotus Plaza的共同blog Brad常不定期的丟一些專輯以外的歌曲習作或翻唱以供下載, 錯過的樂迷可前往搜寶,可找到許多demo、限量ep之類的罕作 .
The Twin Atlas: 2000 - 2010 (for new music please visit Lazy Salon on Last.FM and at The Twin Atlas was a folk-rock home-recording duo, known for its atmospheric folk & pop songs, written and home-recorded by Sean Byrne with Lucas Zaleski, who began playing together when they met at the University of Delaware in the early '90s and began releasing music as The Twin Atlas in 2000. During the initial years of their existence as a duo, Zaleski was an NYC resident and Byrne lived in Philadelphia (where he drummed with the bands Lenola, Mazarin, Matt Pond PA,...
Eugeniusz Rudnik (28 October 1932 – 24 October 2016) was a modern Polish composer, electronics engineer and sound engineer. Pioneer of electronic and electro-acoustic music in Poland. Rudnik works can be divided into two categories; autonomous electroacoustic music and works known as "ars acustica". In both the composer uses electronic material, electronic processed concrete material with varying degrees of recognition of the source. The composer often uses collage method, making it a primary means of expression. Music genre "ars acustica" oscillate between the type of radio drama and music programs. In 1967 he graduated from the Faculty of Electronics on...