dulukk and jpoptrasher and lenushiromiya spam the fuck out of everything | zh

Everything is a pop/rock band from Virginia. They were most active in the mid to late '90s and early '00s. The band was formed in 1990 by students at James Madison University. Going on the road full time in '92, they played 200-250 shows a year for nearly the next 10 years, starting in the mid-Atlantic, and then gradually expanding their grass roots fan base until it extended across half of the U.S. The band released its first 3 albums independently, selling almost 30,000 cds before signing a brief and ill-fated deal with Capricorn Records in 1995. Larger scale success...
1982年组建于英格兰东部海滨城市——赫尔市的夫妻二人档,将电子、爵士、流行成功结合的典范。老婆Tracey Thorn(主音)和老公Ben Watt(词曲创作,合成)本是赫尔大学的同学,乐队得名于一家家具店的广告: “我们满足您的一切卧房需要,除了女孩儿”。乐队初期走英伦清新吉他路线,后来逐渐在音乐中融入爵士、电子元素,近期又在流行中糅合前卫实验风格。除了Ben顽强抵抗白血病,获得新生的事迹,乐队90年代初在专辑《The Language of Life》中能有幸邀得爵士传奇Stan Getz共谱心曲,也一直为人津津乐道。 .
More than one artist is represented here. 1. Described as "incendiary" and "provocative," South Philadelphia's GET FUCKED have done little to allow such comments to get to their head. Formed in 1993, this band played shows in Philadelphia and South Jersey with the likes of classic hardcore bands Policy of Three, Assfactor 4, Heroin, and Crud is a Cult before disbanding in August of 1994. Over the years, the members have kept themselves busy with other bands such as Tornado of Knives, Neil Perry, Turmoil, LickGoldenSky, and the Now. By the end of 2002, all of the original members found...
They play some kind of Garage Rock, Indie they are from Dominican Republic. Band Members Arturo Dickson (Vocals/Guitar), Charlie Garmendia (Drums), Luis Ortiz (Bass), David M Lopez (Guitar) .
There are mutliple artists with this name: 1) Fuck Off is a Spanish thrash metal band that formed in 1986. They have two full length releases: Another Sacrifice and Hell On Earth. After Hell On Earth the band split-up in 1990. Josep Casas moved to a thrash band called Barbarian. They reunited in 2010 and released Smile as You Kill in 2013. 2) Fuck Off is a swedish constellation with Stefan Sundström, Johan Johansson & Guld-Lars (both from the Swedish punk band KSMB), Pappa Mats and maybe some other members. They play lots of famous covers but with other lyrics....