Get Fucked | zh

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More than one artist is represented here.

1. Described as "incendiary" and "provocative," South Philadelphia's GET FUCKED have done little to allow such comments to get to their head. Formed in 1993, this band played shows in Philadelphia and South Jersey with the likes of classic hardcore bands Policy of Three, Assfactor 4, Heroin, and Crud is a Cult before disbanding in August of 1994. Over the years, the members have kept themselves busy with other bands such as Tornado of Knives, Neil Perry, Turmoil, LickGoldenSky, and the Now. By the end of 2002, all of the original members found themselves living within a four-block radius. Having never recorded anything previously, they decided to come together to record eight songs with Josh of Hot Cross for a 10". "We felt hardcore was missing something that we all had back then. We hoped that resurrecting the band would, in turn, resurrect that feeling," claims drummer Eric McManus. Guitarist James Getz, bassist Dave Turtzo, late guitarist Chris Smith, and vocalist Billy Willy round out the group. Taking sound and energy from Left for Dead, Heroin, Unbroken, and Honeywell, GET FUCKED brings back life to a wilting genre of music that was once so potent.

2. Nils Hess & Nathan Coles. Name variations:Get F**ked, Nathan Coles And Nils Hess AKA Get Fucked
They are two Englishmen, Nathan Coles and Nils Hess, simply taking the piss, seeing how far they can push sensibilities before someone calls foul, at which point you would suspect they would just fall over laughing.
Over the last 10 years Nathan Coles has built up an essential portfolio of House and Breaks releases on an array of imprints such as Loaded, Visitor, Plank, 10 Kilo, Big Chief and Household Recordings, picking up critical plaudits along the way such as Essential Release Of The Month in Muzik magazine for his two Get Fucked albums.
He has worked with the best as well including such production luminaries as Nils Hess (as Get Fucked), Matthew B (Mashupheadz), Asad Rizvi (Two Right Wrongans) and Terry Francis (The Delinquents/Housey Doingz). .


