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Bhajan Sopori (born 1948 in Srinagar, Kashmir) is an Indian santoor player. The santoor is the Indian version of the hammered dulcimer. Sopori hails from Sopore in Kashmir Valley and traces his lineage to ancient santoor experts. He belongs to the Sufiana gharana of Indian classical music. His family has played santoor for over six generations. His first public performance was at a conference organised by Prayag Sangeet Samiti & the University of Allahabad when he was 10 years old. Sopori's son Abhay Rustum Sopori is also a santoor player. Both father and son have given several performances together. Pandit...
Having a ten year lifespan of 1981-1991, hungarian alternative Kontroll Csoport could never achieve a public success, but their influence and cult-status could never be questioned. Refusing any compromise (luckily), they stayed on the stages of universities and small events in front of small audiences. While their style could never be really categorized, lyrics are about the depression, and agony of the '80s. The remains of the band gave birth to several other alternative bands, like Sziámi, Balkan Tourist, Kampec Dolores. Members of the group were Kistamás László, Bárdos-Deák Ágnes, Müller Péter, Hajnóczy Csaba, Hajnóczy Árpád, Iványi Norbert Their official...
Soporus (Latin for "to lull to sleep") is an ambient musical collective based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Matthew Stone (guitar, keyboards) and William Stichter (bass) started the project in 2005 as a side project of Saxon Shore, soon adding guitarist Stephen Hoffman and filmmaker Michael Stitcher to their ranks. The group has since issued two albums on Burnt Toast Vinyl (Atómové Elektrárne in 2007 and 24,110 in 2008) and multiple digital-only releases via Bandcamp. Their music and aesthetic is heavily influenced by nuclear power plants, specifically the incidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. .
No Lo Soporto is an Indie Rock band from Buenos Aires (Argentina). Borensztein sisters Naila (guitar & vocals) Lucía (drums), and Lara Pedrosa (bass) formed the band in 2002. In 2005 their first record was relased under the protecting wing of argentinian music legend Luis Alberto Spinetta and It was well received by critics and public. They were chosen as best new band in 2005 by Gustavo Cerati. .
Officially founded in 1989, the Germany based Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows is one of the very few dark groups/projects who have based the trinity of their music, poetry and visual appearance on the explicit emphasis of the highly individual expression of pain, isolation, depression, token suicides and the desperate search for the "sacred reunion"; all acted out by their sole protagonist – the transgender Anna-Varney Cantodea. Best described as "introverted exhibitionism", the holistic concept of their ritualistic/Jungian art is not necessarily rooted in the grounds of a commonly accepted sense of aesthetics – which is one of...