Kontroll Csoport | th

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Having a ten year lifespan of 1981-1991, hungarian alternative Kontroll Csoport could never achieve a public success, but their influence and cult-status could never be questioned. Refusing any compromise (luckily), they stayed on the stages of universities and small events in front of small audiences. While their style could never be really categorized, lyrics are about the depression, and agony of the '80s. The remains of the band gave birth to several other alternative bands, like Sziámi, Balkan Tourist, Kampec Dolores.

Members of the group were Kistamás László, Bárdos-Deák Ágnes, Müller Péter, Hajnóczy Csaba, Hajnóczy Árpád, Iványi Norbert

Their official site can be found at http://www.kontroll-csoport.hu/



