Autumn | pl

Autumn Leaves - Duński zespół Death metalowy. Początkowo (1992r.) nosił nazwę Decrial, ale została ona zmieniona w 1994 roku po wydaniu pierwszego demo. Pierwszy album "Embraced by the Absolute" prezentowal styl brutalnego death metalu, zaś drugi "As Night Conquers Day" byl bardziej melodyczny czego kluczowym przykladem moze byc syntezatorowe intro do "The discovery" i calkowicie instrumentalny "Resigning from life". Dzięki albumowi "Embraced by the Absolute" stali się bardzo znanym zespołem w swoim kraju, jak i w Europie. Zespół rozwiązał się w 2001 roku. Dyskografia: Desires Unfold (Demo) (1993) Hope Springs Eternal (Demo) (1995) Embraced by the Absolute (Serious, 1997) As...
Mike Gustafson - Drums, Keys, Textures; Jess Huffman - Guitar; John Huffman - Baritone Guitar, Bass; The Autumn Project was first a simple one time moniker for the solo work of Mike Gustafson, upon the musical introduction of life long friend Jess Huffman and his brother John Huffman and two years of experimenting in the basement we are now again The Autumn Project, but in instrumental form. Formed officially in 2000, it wasn't until 2003 with the release of The Autumn Project's debut record "Fable" that TAP began moving forward into the direction we are heading now. After two West...
Hiszpański zespół death doom metalowy założony w Madrycie w 1998 roku. skład Miguel Angel Gutierrez : Bass María Ingelmo : Cello Ricardo de Pablo : Drums Javier de Pablo : Vocals, Guitar Julio Fernandez : Guitar dyskografia In my shell (Démo - 2000) The Age of the Sin (Démo - 2003) 2000-2005 Promo (Démo - 2005) Grey Universe (CD - 2006) .
Autumn Tears to neoklasyczny zespół z USA. Utworzony w roku 1995 przez Erikę (śpiew, muzyczne aranżacje) oraz Teda (klawisze i fortepian, muzyczne aranżacje, wokal). skład Laurie Ann Haus : Vocals Terran Olson : Clarinet, Flute Greg Ball : Guitar, Contrabass Ted Tringo : Vocals, Keyboard James West : Percussions dyskografia Love Poems for Dying Children - Act I (CD - 1996) Love Poems for Dying Children Act II - Garden of Crystalline Dreams (CD - 1997) Absolution (EP - 1999) Love Poems For Dying Children... Act I Reprise MCMXCVII... (CD - 2000) Love Poems for Dying Children... Act III -...
Autumn in My Heart (가을동화, Ga-eul-dong-hwa) also known as Autumn Fairy Tale and Autumn Tale, is the first installment of the four part Endless Love drama series directed by Yoon Seok-Ho, produced by South Korean TV Network KBS. It was produced in South Korea in 2000. Yoon Joon-suh and Yoon Eun-suh grew up as siblings but Eun-suh was in fact from a different family as there was a mixed up at the hospital where she was borned.The switch came to light when Eun-suh was involved in a car accident and it was discovered that her blood type was different from...