Die Haut | pl

Gänsehaut was a 1980s pop band from Germany, popular in the NDW genre. They are perhaps best known for their 1983 hit Karl der Käfer, a song critical of environmental destruction. .
hautlle is based in rural Kansas, USA. He has been making music since childhood when he started playing the drums in fourth grade. He began experimenting with electronic music in 1998. His first two EP's were only given away to friends and family, but were later released as the album Broken Past. He also released an EP titled "We Got This" as part of Project168 part 4. Both of these are now available for free at http://hautlle.bandcamp.com. His first EP to be non-self released was titled "Boundaries Destroyed" and was released by Complex Sound Sagacity on October 23, 2010. All...
Die Braut haut ins Auge is a former band of Bernadette La Hengst, who is one of the leading figures in a subgenre of german indiemusic later called "Hamburger Schule" or "Diskurspop". .
A French duo halfway between electronic R&B and soulful pop, Anna Majidson and Blasé were meant to be. Both born in France but raised on the other side of the Atlantic, the pair cultivates the same cultural background, made of a French heritage and teenage years fed with the American pop culture; especially hip-hop and R&B. It was Haute's fate that they would cross paths in Montréal. In 2013, both decided to join McGill University to study music and philosophy among other subjects. Same curriculum, same influences, by chance they would even live on the same street ... but as...
Zespół powstał pod nazwą Solgrav w roku 2001, w mieście Imatra na południu Finlandii. W 2009 zmieniono nazwę na aktualną. Zespół stosuje charakterystyczną technikę śpiewu alikwotowego, spotykanego głównie u twórców mongolskich i tybetańskich. Zespół jest w trakcie nagrywania nowego materiału. skład Janne Väätäinen – gitara elektryczna, kantele, flet, wokal Lari Hammarberg – growl, harmonijka, klawisze, perkusja Taneli Kejonen – gitara rytmiczna Niko Kuljuntausta – bas, wokal dyskografia * Muinaisia Muisteloita, Noita Syntyjä Syviä (album) 2010 .