Korhan Erel | ja

シンデレラというグループ名や フラッシーなルックスから軟弱な音楽性を想像しがちだが、 実は骨太なハードロックで凄みを利かせる4人組。 フィラデルフィアをベースに活動していたシンデレラは、 ジョン・ボン・ジョヴィに見出され、86年『ナイト・ソングス』でデビューを飾る。 トム・キーファーの絞り出すようなボーカルスタイルは、 ジャニス・ジョプリンに強く影響されており AC/DC直系ともいえるシンプル&ブルージーなロックンロールと、 ギターを廻す派手なステージ・アクションが話題となり、 一躍トップ・バンドの仲間入りを果たす。 続く2nd『ロング・コールド・ウィンター』(88年)は、 ブルース志向がより強まり、 スライド・ギターやマンドリンを導入してアーシーなサウンドを展開。 さらに『ハートブレイク・ステーション』(90年)では、 カントリー、ゴスペルといった米国南部に対する憧憬を露にし、 完全にHM/HRから逸脱してしまう。 そうした音楽性の変化に伴い、セールスは下降線を辿り、 94年の『スティル・クライミング』を最後にバンドは解散……。 しかし97年、初ベスト・アルバムのリリースと共に再結成。 現在はライヴを中心に活動している。 .
Cinderella Effect is a solo-project of DJane Constance, also vocalist of Blutengel. The first album ("Pearls") consists of 15 covered versions of well-known Independent-Hits like After Dark, Black Hole Sun or Black No.1. This project was supported by many studio-artists, especially by Coralie Thomas & Katja Gutowski. It contains minimalistic electronical background music, paired with classical to modern instruments leading the focus to the vocals. The sound differs slightly song for song, mostly you could hardly recognize the original on first playtime. In any case, a new experience for fans of the original songs! For additional information visit: Cinderella Effect...
Tita Merello was born in 1904 in Buenos Aires. She was a prominent film actress and tango dancer and singer. She made almost 45 appearances in film between 1933 and 1985 spanning 6 decades of Argentine cinema. She entered film in 1933 in Tango and appeared in films such as Arrabalera in 1950, working with acclaimed actors such as Santiago Gómez Cou and Tito Alonso. She retired from film in 1985 and died on Christmas Eve 2002 aged 98. .
The DeRellas are a band started by Timmy DeRella, x Glory Strummers, and Robbie Tart, x Vibrators. Tom Carter quickly joined them and after auditioning a few guitarists, Luca, used to play with Tom in Infant Skull Surgery but also played guitar for Los Paraliticos, became their lead guitarist. That was back in 2007, more or less. The band quickly got the interest of the British press, Big Cheese Magazine especially, but they also got good reviews on Classic Rock and several "glam rock/ punk" fanzines like Bubblegum Slut. The DeRellas supported Hanoi Rocks, Zodiac Mindwarp, Vice Squad, The Vibrators,...
Les Claypool and the Holy Mackerel was a short-lived solo project by Les Claypool in the mid 90s, he played almost all the instruments on the recordings of all of the songs. The touring band consists of Bryan "Brain" Mantia on Drums, Mark "MIRV" Haggard on Guitar, Adam Gates on Bass (tuned an octave lower), and of course Les Claypool on Bass. .