Sam Flanagan | ja

Bud Flanagan (1896 - 1968) and Chesney Allen (1893 - 1982) were a British singing and comedy double act popular during World War II. They were first paired in a Florrie Forde revue, and were booked by Val Parnell to appear at the Holborn Empire in 1926. As music hall comedians, they would often feature a mixture of comedy and music in their act; this led to a successful recording career as a duo and roles in film and television. Flanagan and Allen were both also members of The Crazy Gang and worked with that team for many years concurrently...
The Tommy Flanagan Trio (with bassist Wilbur Little and drummer Elvin Jones) released their first album, Tommy Flanagan Trio Overseas, in 1957. As an accompanist, Flanagan worked with Ella Fitzgerald from 1963 to 1965 and 1968 to 1978. Beginning in 1975, Flanagan began once again to perform and record as a leader. He continued to work with other players, however, forming a trio with Tal Farlow and Red Mitchell, among other projects. Flanagan's style was both modest and exceptionally musical. He embodied many of the most important qualities associated with jazz: swing, harmonic sophistication, melodic invention, bluesy feel and humour....
いぶし銀の輝きを発するエレガントな味わいのピアニスト (1930~2001)  1930年5月16日ミシガン州デトロイト生まれ。最高のバイ・プレーヤーのひとりとしてモダン・ジャズ黄金時代に活躍。モダン・ジャズの最高傑作といわれるソニー・ロリンズの『サキソフォン・コロッサス』をはじめ、彼の参加したジャズの名盤は数多くある。その活躍ぶりを称して、“名盤請負人”と呼ばれたが、後のベテランになってから本当に豊かな実りを享受した。1970年代半ば頃から、コンスタントにリーダー・アルバムを発表するようになり、名脇役が主役の道を歩み始める。とはいえその道は決して派手なものでもなく、ジャズの花道を闊歩したわけではないが、評価と人気は上昇線をたどり、“名匠”“巨匠”の名をほしいままにした。人生の深い味わいを感じさせるエレガントな彼のジャズ・ピアノは、万人受けするタイプの演奏ではないが、ジャズ・ファンなら誰でもが魅力に惹きつけられる。流行に合わせることもなく、自分のスタイルを守り続けた。2001年11月16日に世を去った。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
Mash-up, Bootleg, Bastard Pop Producer and DJ Sam Flanagan has been DJing since the age of sixteen and at present holds no less than 5 residencies. Obtaining a degree in Commercial Music Production means that Sam also compiles his own bootlegs, remixes and mash- ups many of which have been played on the radio around the world, Last FM (London), Oui FM 102.3FM (Paris), WFMU 91.1FM (US), 97.4 Rock FM (UK), The Bee FM (UK), Sixx Mixx Live 105FM (US), 94/7FM Alternative Portland (US) and also on Chicago 101FM (US) to name a few. The Bristish National press recently described...
Bud Flanagan (14 October 1896 – 20 October 1968) was a popular English music hall and vaudeville entertainer from the 1930s until the 1960s, born in Whitechapel, London, United Kingdom. Flanagan (who's real name was Chaim Reuben Weintrop) was famous as a wartime entertainer and his achievements were recognized when he was awarded the O.B.E. in 1960. Bud Flanagan is best remembered as part of a double act with Chesney Allen, Flanagan and Allen. They had first met on active service in Flanders, but did not work together until 1926, touring with a Florrie Forde show. They established a reputation...