Dave Soldier Soldier String Quartet | ja

4 Strings currently consists of Carlo Resoort (who mostly makes the music) and Jan De Vos (who mostly works on production and arrangement, and performs some songs). In 2004, there were some rumors of singer Vanessa van Hemert leaving the group, due to some new 4 Strings songs that were released that did not feature van Hemert. On the official 4 Strings website, Resoort debunked the rumors. Although in 2005, van Hemert did leave the group. While Jan De Vos isn't actually a part of 4 Strings, he took up the name DJ 4 Strings and does all live performances...
1.) Traditional Metal band from San Fransisco. Formed in 1985, they released a full-length "Babylon" a year later and later released a demo "Louder Than Hell". Have since split-up. 2.)Rising from the heart of the UK it has taken us mere months since forming in 2009 to be recognised as a major player in Birmingham's music scene and are set to take on Manchester after impressive outings around major UK cities. Soldier belt out songs with instantaneous melodic punches, which are indebted to many and wide-ranging influences and an attitude to back up the power and persona of what we...
難解さと大衆性を同居させたスタイリスト 1920~  変拍子や変則構成のクラシカルなオリジナル曲を披露し、ジャズ・シーンに新風を吹き込んだ革命家であり、一方でキュートなカントリー調を導入し大衆へアピールすることも忘れなかった。20年カリフォルニア生まれ。サンフランシスコを拠点としながらLA派とは交流を持たずに独自路線を歩み、マイルス・デイヴィス(tp)に先駆けクール・スタイルを誕生させたとも言われる。その実験的作風が注目されるのは50年、グループにポール・デスモンド(as)を迎えてから。ブロック・コードを主体とした気むずかしいピアノに清廉なアルトが寄り添い、不思議なクール・サウンドを極めた。のちにジョー・モレロ(ds)を加え、変拍子曲の傑作「テイク・ファイヴ」を生み出す。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
David Grusin (born June 26, 1934 in Littleton, Colorado) is a jazz pianist, composer, and arranger whose works in films and TV have garnered him numerous awards. Grusin has a filmography of about 100 credits with many awards including an Oscar for best original score for The Milagro Beanfield War, as well as Oscar nominations for The Champ, The Fabulous Baker Boys, The Firm, Havana, Heaven Can Wait, and On Golden Pond. He also received a best original song nomination for "It Might Be You" from the film Tootsie. Six of the fourteen cuts on the sound track from movie...