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Keen K is a Berlin based electro/italo producer. He started making music in the early 80ies in collaboration with Kinky Roland (London, More Protein/HOS/Producer of Boy George). First 12inch release on Jamboo-Records/EMI with Kinky, the project called "Bang the Quake" in 1989. In the 90ies keen K was a part of "The Rorschach Garden" and worked on different projects with artists like P. Münch (TRG, Rasputeen, Synapscape), Redagain P. (Source Records) and with different female singers. He also formed the project Trans-Active Nightzone with DTK from Echo West. Since 2006, keen K & kinky Roland formed the cosmic disco duo...
X Makeena est une entité hybride située aux confins de la drum 'n' bass, du hip hop et du dub. Deux frères, Stefo et Nico (respectivements à la basse et aux machines), concoctent une mixture instrumentale à la fois puissante et déstructurée : colonne vertébrale solide pouvant soutenir l'hyperactivité des cordes vocales de Vicking et Says, deux mc..s aux flows épileptiques et aux textes triturés. Sommations hip hop et cassures rythmiques se mêlent à des atmosphères sombres et déjantées. Sur scène, ils libèrent leurs créatures mutantes incontrôlables (incarnées par Karlton) et entraînent le public dans une hystérie collective. Remarqué en...
What's in an omen? Is it a vision of dark deeds soon to become the reckoning of us all? Or is it a calling to take heed, knowing that you have the power to change destiny, for good or for bad intent. In either case, an omen can be of many forms, fashions, or functions. whether you take heed or not? The band KEEN OF THE CROW of Los Angeles California is one such omen, Keen of the Crow meaning "A Call of/to Death". In many age-old cultures the Raven or Crow is the symbol of misfortune, knowingly death is...
Shaskeen is a traditional Irish band formed in London in 1970 by Tom Cussen who plays banjo and mandolin. They recorded their first album in 1974 and quickly followed it with albums in 1975, 1976 and 1978. By 2008 they released Walking up Town as their 15th album. .