Canons | ja

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Canons are a new band formed in Port Jefferson Station, New York in 2009. Starting when two different splintered bands (Myles Dyson, Retard Peep Booth) joined forces, after years of talking about it and various start-up groups in between. Drinking lots of beer to create their own sound, mixing elements of stoner rock, post metal and hardcore - taking influence from bands such as His Hero Is Gone, EYEHATEGOD, Tragedy, Fall of Efrafa, Goatsnake, Floor, Cavity, Electric Wizard and Converge. They now describe their music as heavy doomcore.

The concept for their debut EP ‘The Day of Burning Streets” is based around sociological political themes such as strained relationships in the face of adversity, wasted chances by spoiled youth. and an uprising in the face of a polarizing enemy.

On August 17th of 2010, they've released their first full length album "Who Knew the Storm" on Dudecore Records. It deals with concepts like being bullied, religious intolerance, racism and homophobia and the long island music scene.

The band has been making a name for themselves on Eastern Suffolk for their use of danceable riffs, noticeable lack of overdone hardcore breakdowns, intricate drumming patterns, high energy live shows and amazing fans.

The band completely DIY.

Following a string of successful shows in New York City, CANONS disbanded. Most of the members went on to form Wage Slave while the others are still developing untitled side projects. .

