Yearning | it

The story of YEARNING began at the turn of 1994/ 1995 when during some gloomy winterday of Finland two individuals, guitarist/ vocalist J. Palomäki and drummer T. Kristian decided to satisfy their burning desire for dark and emotional Metal music. They started under a name FLEGETON, which was taken from Dante Alighieris (1265-1321) most famous work Divina commedia, representing a part in the construction of inferno. Few songs were already written and after awhile of searching they found another guitarist Tero Kalliomäki and made a 4-track tape called 'Trough the Desolate Lands'. Material on this tape could be described as...
The Yearning is band signed to Elefant Records, founded by songwriter/producer Joe Moore. The debut EP, ‘Jukebox Romance’, was written and recorded in a cupboard under the stairs(!) at his home in Faringdon, UK, with vocalists Justyna Halas and Maddie Dobie, who share the lead vocal duties on this release. Maddie Dobie is now currently the singer of The Yearning. With the help of a few friends (Gordon Campbell and Mark Kiff on guitars; Zoe Illes on cello), Joe lovingly crafted and produced ‘Jukebox Romance’ over a period of 2 years. The mission of The Yearning is simple: to create...