La Patrulla Espacial | id

Agrupación proveniente de Durango, México, formada en el año de 1981 por José Angel Medina. Son considerados como uno de los grupos precursores de la "música duranguense". Influenciados por Los Potros, Abril 78, Los Mier y Los Bukis. .
Jossie Esteban y la Patrulla 15 is a leading merengue band from Dominican Republic, formed by Jossie Esteban (born Esteban Grullón) and Alberto Martínez (known as Ringo). The group was formed by these Dominican childhood friends in May 1979, and included musicians from Puerto Rico, but mostly Dominican Republic. Their debut album El Cuchu Cu Cha was a hit, and since then they have recorded more than 20 records, winning awards such as the “the gold congo” in Colombia, “orchestra of the year” in New York, and a number of platinum discs. Some of their hit songs are "Agua de...