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11 As In Adversaries is a Metal / Rock / Psych project from Paris, France that aims to offer an alternative to a swamp of occasionnally limited artists. Brought into existence in early 2010 by a vehement duo comprises of J. (Guitar/Bass/Vocals) and G. (Drums), the Adversaries are messing around with the codes, mixing extreme metal and surprising indie tunes together in a massively demented debut album: The Full Intrepid Experience Of Light. It is a side-project for the members of French black metal act Glorior Belli and TFIEOL was initially meant to be a Glorior Belli album. However the...
Adversarial is a blackened death metal band from Toronto, Ontario, Canada that was formed in 2007. As of now, they have released one demo "Thralls" in 2008, a full-length "All Idols Fall Before the Hammer" in 2010, an EP "Prophetic Plain of Abyssal Revelation" in 2011, and a split "Initiated in Impiety as Mysteries" with Antediluvian in 2012. They are presently signed up with Dark Descent records. Lineup: C. S. - Guitar, Vocals M. M. - Bass E. K. - Drums .