Despite | es

There are at least four bands named Despite: 1) A Progressive melodic death metal band from Gothenburg, Sweden, formed 1998. DESPITE was founded in Gothenburg in 1998 by Timmy Leng and Fredrik Meister. After some years with a couple of demo recordings and line-up changes DESPITE found its current shape in 2007. With the new recruits John Lidén, Joseph Astorga (ex. Deus ex Machina) and Alex Losbäck Holstad (ex. Decameron, Cardinal Sin, Runemagick) the band stands stronger than ever. A record deal was signed with Tractor Productions (a new Swedish upcoming label) in 2008 and the recording of the debut...
Desde Los Ángeles, EUA, llega hasta sus oídos esta banda cuyo nombre proviene del tema "Loved Despite of Great Faults" de Blonde Redhead. Sus temas, difíciles de clasificar en un sólo género, siempre llenos de guitarras suspirantes (Kent Zambrana) y distorsionadas, acompañadas de un melódico sintetizador (Chris Gregory) , letras románticas y melancólicas susurradas al micrófono por él (Michael Lee) y ella (Rachel Koukal), bien podrían ser una mezcla del renacido shoegaze, dream pop e indie pop. Nace en el año 2006, con el propósito de saciar con bellas canciones a los exigentes oídos del mundo occidental y remontarnos al...
Signed to Sarah Records, the band was a collaboration between old school chums Simon Westwood (Former Esmeralda's kite) and Paul Gorton. Other members of the group were recruited from the local area. The band played regularly in and around the Leeds area in the late 1980's early 90's. .