Hatchery | de

CALM HATCHERY was born in april in 2002 in Bialystok (Poland) by the guitarists - HUZAR and IWAN and drummer - RADAD. After three months they are created first unnofficial demo. The demo „First dreams ” was recorded in september 2002 in home and rehearsal room. Its form is completely underground (a photocopied cover, etc.). It comprises four tracks (which last 15 minutes)- all of them belonging to death metal type of music. After the recording session first changes in line-up occurred. In the consequence the number of members was increased to four. With the new musicians CALM HATCHERY appeared...
Die Thrash Metal Band Hatchery aus Mannheim formierte sich im Herbst 2003. Die vier Metalheadz Nils Nortmeyer (g.), Erik Fillinger (g.), Ruben Andre (dr.) und Ronald Senft (b.) kannten sich schon längere Zeit und hatten reichlich Erfahrung in anderen Bands (Flatline, Graveyard, Secret Land, Freezebitch) sammeln können. Als fast alle zur gleichen Zeit ohne Band dastanden, war sofort klar, dass man sich zusammenraufen würde und HATCHERY war geboren. Ingo Schäfer (v.) komplettierte als Shouter das Line-Up und so wurden in dieser Besetzung die beiden Demos “Night Time Greys” (2004) und “Distorted Society” (2005) im Studio W.U.M. (Ludwigshafen) aufgenommen. Ende 2005...
Gefunden 137 Lieder, Dauer: 13:33:50
The brotherhood
Weekend Warrior
Wake The Dead
Blood & Guts
Hatchery 09
Crushing Bones
Forced To Fight
Thrash Metal Union
Mirror Giants
Final Escape
Tongues Of Decay
Little Brother
Song 2.0
Weekend Warriors
Wake The Dead
Under One Flag
Crushing Bones
Crushin' Bones
Above the law
Maggot Hatchery
Birth of a bomb
2010 "Sacrilege Of Humanity
Sea Of Truth
Tongues Of Decay
Trail of Blood
Schizophrenic Maniacs
Forced To Fight
Eyes Of Horror
We Are The Disease
Soundtrack - Main Vivarium Hatchery
Banner Of Pain