Burst Up | de

1993 treffen sich im schwedischen Kristinehamn ein paar Kumpels, um gemeinsam so schnell und so laut wie möglich durch die Gegend zu rumpeln. Namentlich handelt es sich dabei um Sänger Linus Jägerskog, Gitarrist Jonas Rydberg, Basser Jesper Liveröd und Drummer Patrik Hultin. In Anlehnung an ihre alten Crustcore-Helden, deren Bandnamen oft mit Dis- anfängt, nennen sie sich zunächst mal Dislars. Im Laufe der Zeit werden sie an ihren Instrumenten nicht nur besser und sicherer, sie gehen auch etwas strukturierter zu Werke und schreiben besser Songs. Sie benennen sich also in Burst um, wagen den Neustart und kommen nach ein paar...
Microburst is the artist name of a producer from the South West of England. Also produces under the alias of Fuewa. Has released on Svetlana Industries, Sonic Router, Cleaning Tapes and own label Temp Lake .
There are seven bands called Cloudburst. 1)It's a 4-piece band from Wetzlar in Hesse, Germany. They play hard and catchy guitar music, which is inspired by the styles the members have grown up with: various kinds of Metal, Rock and pop.They know how to play their instruments, which is done very fast at times, but at all times aloud. The music can be described as fast, hard, melodic, catch and surprising. Their latest self-produced album "Do Me A Favour And Die" was recorded in 2008 and is available on Itunes worldwide . More information can be taken from www.myspace.com/cloudburstmetal. Following...
Winterburst is a French band of Symphonic Black Metal formed in June 2009 with the arrival of Vorender as vocalist. Before this, Kyll and Jörm (guitars), Terias (keyboards), Freyr (bass) and Shainsaw (drums) already worked on the first songs which will compose the 6 tracks of their Demo. Produced in December 2009 at the Studio Sainte-Marthe, it's released as soon as it's finished and receives a warm welcome on behalf of the public and the critics. The band approaches historic and mythological themes, expresses its fury and melancholy within at once epic and dark atmospheres. In this universe mainly inspired...