オルゴール | de

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オルゴール [Orugooru] (Orgel) was one of the most obscure project signed to the Matina label. It started approximately in late 1999 as a side-project of Cloud Forestia vocalist C・レイ/Tatsuki with the help of Ukyō and Ramu from the Matina bands LAYBIAL and Madeth gray'll. Shortly after the formation, Ukyō left the project and was instantly replaced by Ai, invited by Ramu who was his bandmate in LAYBIAL. In the meantime Tatsuki changed his name to C・レイ (C・Rei).

In early 2000 the band recorded their first and only maxi-single 妄想とレクイエム (Mōsō to Rekuiemu). The song Juliet was also published on the Matina compilation album PRELUDE. Orgel then a kept low-profile to let the members focus on their main projects, and eventually resurfaced one last time contributing with a new song for the Matina compilation PRELUDE:2~en effort of resalt~.
C・レイ recently played live as Orgel with support members at an UNDER CODE PRODUCTION special event devoted to the Matina days at ESAKA MUSE on September 23 2009.


C・レイ (C・Rei) - Vocals
→オルゴール→Cloud Forestia→オルゴール→

アイ (Ai) - Guitar

ラム (Ramu) - Bass
→Lese larme→オルゴール→LAYBIAL→オルゴール→シュガーフォークフル(Support)→Schwardix Marvally→

Former members:

右狂 (Ukyō) - Guitar
→オルゴール→Madeth gray'll→Brilliant Sugar→Jelly Berry→アカシア→

http://visualkei.wikia.com/wiki/%E3%82%AA%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B4%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB .

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