various artists are a pita on lastfm | zh

This tag was first used a few years ago when it was discovered that the random unwanted tracks playing in the recommended radio stream were due to the inclusion of an album assigned to Various Artists.

The tag is both a statement of fact and a frustrated user's attempt to listen to VA recommendations while removing the randomizing effect of hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of tracks from nearly as many artists in the pool of available tracks under that bastardized "artist" that is so Various.

It further refers to the fact that nowhere are errors so prevalent in the database as with regard to tracks loaded under VA albums.

Take Stereo Deluxe One as one horrific example.

As I compare the physical copy I hold in my hand to what is displayed on that page, I can hardly recognize they are supposed to be the same.

We're missing a track here, as this album actually sports 14, not 13 tracks -- rather difficult to track down which one is missing though, as these are all out of the correct order and most are incorrectly listed versions.

Almost all of the tracks on this special compilation are either special versions or remixes; but you wouldn't know that from looking at the description.

Now have a look at the track and artist name on number 9 (what should be # 4) -- it shows a Booby1 Huhges2 Combination - Magnificient3 Mr Morgan.

1Booby should read Bobby, 2Huhges should read Hughes and 3Magnificient should read Magnificent.

Oh, and the track we're missing is irreplaceable. .