Dub Pistols | zh

Quest Pistols is an Ukrainian pop band, formed from the dance ballet «Quest». They had their first performance on April 1, 2007, followed by a tour in Ukraine. Lyrics are written by Isolde Chetha, except the song "Белая Стрекоза Любви", whose author is a young musician Nikolai Voronov. In the role of the soloists are the three members of the «Quest» ballet: Anton Savlepov (June 14, 1988), Konstantin Borovsky (February 14, 1981) and Nikita Goryuk (September 23, 1985). Boroski left the band in 2011 to be closer to his then pregnant wife. He trained his replacement, Daniel. .
朋克音乐之父野蛮、偏激、时而高兴、时而愤怒,这就是Sex Pistols(性手枪)。 他们的音乐理念以至着装打扮都与那些所谓的正统明星 们绝然不同, 他们始终坚持做自己的东西而不去管别人怎么看待。显然,他们不是孤独的。在他们短暂的、充满狂暴的音乐岁月里乐队的一张录音棚专辑完全改变了 摇滚乐--至少也是他们所致力的那一部分。当然Sex Pistols并不是世界第一支朋克摇滚乐队,但他们是最知名的--因为他们频繁出现的身影或者是 给传统摇滚造成的麻烦。 专辑《Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols》无疑是 Sex Pistols给世界摇滚乐历史的最大的贡献--被认为是摇滚乐历史上最伟大的专辑:完全真实、毫无做作、充满漫骂,它向传统的摇滚乐文化以至现 代社会文化发出了挑战,这种思想在乐队歌曲“God Save The Queen”以及“no futhur”得到了很好的体现。尽管 Sex Pistols被很多评论看为只是一个时代的“麻醉剂”或者“传话筒”,但无论如何也正是Sex Pistols为朋克音乐点亮了前进的明灯,他 们是一个伟大时代的“揭幕者”--日益蓬勃的朋克摇滚时代。 Sex Pistols是企业家Malcolm McLaren手下的一群小卒。 McLaren在伦敦经营一家“反流行时尚”的时装店“Sex”,他对于摇滚乐也有着相似的“非流行”观点,1975年在纽约他找到了一群小伙子并且成立 了一支乐队。乐队成员都是他的时装店“Sex”的钟点工,贝司手格伦·麦特洛克(Glen Matlock)、鼓手保罗·库克(Paul Cook)以及 吉他手史迪夫·琼斯(Steve Jones);格伦告诉老板McLaren乐队还缺少一位主音歌手。McLaren开始注意到约翰尼·里顿 (Johnny Lydon)--那个经常出现在“Sex”时装店点唱机旁举止粗努的19岁小子。 以前里顿从没有演唱经历,但他还是接受了邀请,并且很 快就以自己“粗糙”的魅力征服了其他成员。在看过了乐队的表演之后,McLaren为乐队命名为Sex Pistols。据琼斯描述,里顿是一个不讲究卫 生的家伙,于是它就称它为Johnny Rotten--腐臭的约翰尼。 1975年11月6日他们首次在伦敦郊区的一所学校表演,可是演出刚进行十分钟, 扩音器的电源插座就被拔了,演出就此结束。1976年早期,McLaren开始亲自教导他们如何成为朋克时代的领导力量。而他们的这种音乐理念也影响了七 十年代众多的朋克乐、反叛音乐乐队,象 the Clash, Buzzcocks, X-Ray Spex, Joy Division, Siouxsie and the Banshees等等。 最初出版商和唱片商都根本不注意Sex Pistols,但1976年夏天他们就不得不关注 Sex Pistols了--因为到处都是对乐队的赞美或者责骂--实在已经到了无法回避的地步。11月EMI唱片和乐队正式签约。12月 Sex Pistols的首张专辑《Anarchy in the U.K》发行,于1977年成为英国排行榜的第38名,12月发行了他们的单曲 “Anarchy in the U.K.”,因为乐队在一次接收电视采访时粗努的使用了“fucker”一词,导致了原本预定的演唱会地点纷纷与公司解 除预约,为此唱片公司和乐队解除了协约。 1978年三月麦特洛克离开乐队加盟一支名为Rich Kids的乐队,之后约翰·瑞比 (John Ritchie)接替了他,而瑞比则称自己为Sid Vicious--堕落的希德。也就在同一个月A&M唱片以五万英镑和乐队签 约;但仅仅一个星期后唱片公司就将他们开除并且只支付了5000英镑。四月乐队和Virgin唱片签约并发行了自己的第二张专辑 《God Save the Queen》,而他们也根本不考虑这年六月就是英国女皇登基25周年大典。单曲“God Save the Queen”马 上就在英国各广播电台禁止播放。但无论如何这也不能影响这首单曲成为单曲排行榜的榜首。 1978年,乐队到美国巡演。 1978年秋,乐队解散。 .
For ten years the Jazz Pistols have been working on their Energy-Jazz. They are, however, still able to discover new elements and levels of performance - a fact that not only surprises themselves, but also their audiences.This versatility is one of the strengths of the Jazz Pistols. Formed like a classic jazz trio, the Jazz Pistols have developed a sensational variety of sound, which they can easily translate live without the need for loops and overdubs. It is rare that Jazz-Rock notoriously known as the music for musicians is able to create this fascination on listeners even when they normally...
Gentlemans Pistols were formed in 2003 as a three-piece by singer/guitarist James Atkinson (formerly of UK hardcore group Voorhees, as well as current guitarist for The Horror and The Sex Maniacs), bassist Douglas McLaughlan and drummer Simon Mawson, although this line-up played only one gig before the replacement of Simon Mawson by Adam Clarke in 2004. The line-up was further augmented at this time by the addition of guitarist Chris Rogers, and has remained a four-piece ever since. They recorded a 7" single Just A Fraction in 2006 for the Art Goes Pop label, which was followed by a further...
找到了 166 歌曲, 持续时间: 15:55:08
Fit Girl
Pistoleros Featuring – Seanie Tee
Roll & Come In Featuring – Earl Sixteen
Killa Sound
Ride With It
Welcome To The Jungle (DJ Mix)
Breaks Mix with ID's (June 2013)
Point Black (1998)
Breaks Mix June 2013
Y4K - Next Level Breaks
Minirig Mixtape
Cyclone (Dub)
Camberwell Carrot (Ed Solo remix)
Live @ Rompa's Reggae Shack 08/01/2023
Dub Breaks Mix
The Problem Is
Architect (Breaks Mix)
Problem Is
Blaze The Room
The One (Feat. Silkk The Shocker & Dub Pistols)
Unique Freak
Dub Pistols Jungle Mix (side A)
Killa Sound
B-Boy Stance
Turn Up Featuring – Serocee
Dub Bizzle
Point Blank
Camberwell Carrot (Ed Solo Remix)
Turn Up feat. Sorocee
Ride With It (feat. Darrison)
Dub Pistols D&B Mix #1
This Anthem (Original mix)
Peaches (Dogtown Clash Mix)
Real Gangsters feat. Seanie Tee & Neville Staple
Do It (Dub Pistols Mix)
Sticky Situation Featuring
Ganja (Deekline & Kleu Remix)