Calibre 12 | zh

Calibre,本名Dominick Martin,是来自北爱尔兰最大的城市贝尔法斯特(Belfast)的Drums and Bass,Liquid funk制作人和DJ。他在年轻的时候就开始制作音乐,并且花了很多时间来锤炼自己的音乐。他是一个经过古典音乐训练学习的音乐人,学习过许多乐器,最后自学成才成为音乐制作人。他在1995年开始制作Drums and Bass并且在 Quadrophonic label(现在已经不存在)发行了自己的第一首歌。 除了被一些商业巨头注意,Martin也很快被Drums and Bass DJ Fabio所注意,并将他签入自己颇具影响力的Creative Source label旗下。在贝尔法斯特的University of Ulster学习美术的时候,他被约翰·凯奇(John Cage,美国著名实验音乐作曲家、作家、视觉艺术家) 的音乐所吸引,并且受他音乐影响在2001年发表了自己的第一张专辑Musique Concrète。这张专辑发表后,Martin曲子中那一贯个性分明的旋律和声音非常受欢迎,他的曲子被很多知名label和独立音乐制作人进行过remix。在2003年他创立了自己的独立厂牌Signature Records(这个厂牌只发表他自己以及他和别人合作的作品,没有其他艺人)。 尽管Martin在Drums and Bass业界取得了很大的成功,但尤其值得注意的是他是一个安静低调的人。有杂志形容他是"Drums and Bass圈里最安静的人之一"。他只在自己的朋友小圈子里分享自己的作品,除此之外他也没有自己的主页甚至博客以及现在音乐人都很喜欢用的Soundcloud在网上发表自己的新作,大多数有关他工作的新闻都是来自BBC Radio 1, 1Xtra, Marcus Intalex(与他同厂牌的艺人)以及其他和他有联系的DJ们。 此外,他发表的专辑数量比其他任何Drums and Bass制作人都多。 Albums: Musique Concrète - Creative Source (2001) Second Sun - Signature Records (2005) Shelflife - Signature Records (2007) Overflow - Signature Records (2008) Shelf Life Vol. 2 - Signature Records (2009) Shine a Light - Signature records (2009) Even If - Signature records (2010) Condition - Signature records (2011) Spill - Signature records (2013) EPs: Just Fine EP - Creative Source (2003) Late Night Squeeze...
.Calibre (with the dot) was a vegan/straight edge band that rose from the hardcore metalband Facedown. .Calibre played a kind of funk/metal/crossover with socially engaged lyrics. Guitarplayer Niko and leadsinger Daniel are now in a band called A School of Quiet ( .
Hardcore band from São Paulo,Brazil. Songs with political postures. Also a Southern rock band from France .
Calibretto 13 was an acoustic punk band from Kokomo, Indiana, United States. The band existed in three incarnations. The first being Black Sheep, then Calibretto 13, and finally Calibretto. Calibretto 13 was inspired by a comic book, and 13 was the only number that they all liked. Later, they shortened it to just Calibretto. The acoustic punk style of the band and the peculiar vocal style of singer Joe Whiteford gives the band their signature sound. Another signature mark of the band is themes in their lyrics, which often are about B-movies and problems in pop culture & Christanity. Calibretto...