Count Basie | zh

Japanese rock band formed in 2004. Indie debut in 2010, major debut in 2014 through Ki/oon Music. -Tanabe Shunichi (Vo/Gt) -Eguchi Yuuya (Gt/Leader) -Takamura Yoshihide (Dr) -Tsujimura Yuuta (Ba) .
Count Basie考特·贝茜    贝西伯爵生于1904年八月21日的Red Bank/New Jersey,母亲是他的第一个钢琴老师。  20岁的时候他就跟着乐队开始在南方巡回演奏钢琴,巡回结束后他就在默片戏院里弹钢琴。1928年他加入当时很强的Walter Page's Blue Devils,这是一个在Kansas City耀武扬威的blues-based swing band。贝西伯爵之后又跳槽到Bennie Moten's band。1935年,Bennie Moten猝逝,贝西伯爵便决定自立门户,在Kansas City组了自己的九人爵士乐队,在Reno Club固定演出。Reno Club里有一套广播设备,可以透过W9XBY广播电台全城放送,这一点对贝西伯爵的未来有很大的帮助。    1936年,唱片制作人John Hammond碰巧在车上听到W9XBY广播电台的现场演奏,John Hammond立刻赶到Reno Club和贝西伯爵签下唱片录音合约。1937年,The Count Basie Orchestra到纽约发展,在知名的Roseland Ballroom表演,同时透过全国性广播节目Famous Door放送,The Count Basie Orchestra成为了全国性的爵士音乐团体。    贝西伯爵在当时的主流音乐--摇摆乐风下 ,加入了很多blues的元素,以及大量的管乐手独奏,为未来培养出顶尖的爵士乐独奏艺人,像萨克斯风手Herschel Evans and Lester Young、小喇叭手Buck Clayton、伸缩喇叭手Dickie,再加上蓝调歌手的vocal表演, 贝西伯爵的jazz-blues orchestra吹奏出灿烂辉煌的爵士乐史。尤其是后来Bebop的jam session即在此孕育成形。 作为一个爵士钢琴师的贝西伯爵,他的成就不只在带过两个jazz orchestras,他在钢琴上的演奏技巧也直逼他一生最崇拜的偶像Fats Waller。 贝西伯爵能够抑制自己的表演,用来衬托同僚的背景支持风格在众人皆想出风头的爵士乐坛上更属难得。 Basie是一个矮胖、眼睛有些向外鼓,由于复杂的生活经历而变得过于世故,并将这世故变成一条绳子拘束住他本可以更伟大的艺术才能的家伙,除了象征身份的"伯爵"之外他还有另一个暗示了他音乐取向的绰号"圣徒",它有两个意思,一是指他永远嗅得出并服从上帝(主流乐迷)的旨意,二是指他对音乐循规蹈矩,永不犯错的严格态度。    Basie 和他的大乐团演奏出了最为标推的摇摆爵士乐,他开辟并完善了堪萨斯传统,即所有的编曲都围绕着节奏组合(钢琴、贝斯、鼓和节奏吉他)来进行,他特别强调了钢琴在节奏部的角色,并为一些出色的独奏乐手留下了合适的即兴空间。怎样让十六个乐手做出严谨、每个细节都关照到的爵士乐,是Basie穷其一生去追求的风范之一;而他音乐中天塌下来般的慑人气势,及你必须去狂欢 、必须去跳舞的逼迫力,也是其他大乐团难以企及的地方。 .
1. COUNTDOWN is a hardcoreband from Belgium that started out late 2008 and is often compared to bands like INTEGRITY, RINGWORM, CONGRESS, KICKBACK,... 2. Countdown is a progressive metal band from Nancy (France), inspired by the likes of Dream Theater, symphony X, vanden Plas... Formed in 1996 and evolving from Hard rock to metal, it has finally arrived at a progressive style. Demos like"Footpath of stone" and "chains of a martyr" have led to a new album, "Break Rise Blowing", released in 2007 Based on text translated from: [email protected] 3. Countdown is a hardcore band hailing from all...
Some people DJ, others make beats. Heads everywhere spit lyrics—either off the dome or noted, and many are even recognized as true MC’s who actually manage to rock a crowd here & there. A few folks get by juggling two or more facets; and even a small number happen to be classically or self-taught piano players, drummers and strummers. Count Bass D does it all. Count has been working to prove this since his decade-old debut, Pre-Life Crisis (Sony). Not only did he compose every note, pen lyrics, contribute the cuts and scratches--but he played most of the instruments. .
Count Zero is an innovative Boston band that mixes electronics, acoustic grit, strong melodies, intriguing arrangements and creative lyrics into an intense, eclectic stew of musical experimentation... and it's catchy too. It's Future Pop for the disenchanted. History Founded by three former members of the groundbreaking Boston band Think Tree, Count Zero recorded their debut CD "Affluenza" in 1996. With the addition of a full-time bassist and keyboardist, they played their first show in March of '96 at The Middle East in Cambridge, MA, and have been entertaining an expanding congregation of devoted fans ever since. Personnel Peter Moore: vocals...