Shadow of Fear | zh

Feargal Sharkey (born Sean Feargal Sharkey on 13 August 1958, in Derry, Northern Ireland, UK) is a singer who first found fame as the lead vocalist of pop punk band The Undertones (1975), famous for the hit single "Teenage Kicks". Before his actual solo career took off, he was also the singer of the one-shot group The Assembly, with the ex-Yazoo supremo Vince Clarke in 1983 (with their UK singles chart number 4 hit, "Never Never"). His best-known solo material is the 1985 UK chart-topping single penned by Maria McKee, "A Good Heart", which went to number one in several...
  Tears For Fears是英国College Rock(学院摇滚)、New Wave(新浪潮)、Pop/Rock(流行/摇滚)等风格的一只乐队,组建时间在1981年。在1983年首张专辑《The Hurting》全世界的销量几乎达到了100万张后,1985年第二张专辑《Songs From The Big Chairs》销量也高达900多万张。   乐队成立于英格兰南部的巴斯市,两位创始成员为 Roland Orzabal 和 Curt Smith,他们早在孩童时就 已相识,两人均来自破碎的家庭,儿时的痛苦经历一直是他们心中的抹不去的阴影。在70年代末期他们曾经在一支叫 Graduate 的乐队里待过,该乐队仅在1978年出版过一张不成功的专辑《Acting My Age》后就宣告解散。1981年,Polygram 公司听了 Tears For Fears 的样带(包括两首歌曲)后就同他俩签订了合同。但是这两首单曲发行之后并不成功,直到1982年10月,乐队的第3首单曲,忧伤的 "Mad World" 才把乐队带入了排行榜。随后该乐队又推出了两首排行榜前5名歌曲,1983年发行的首张专辑《The Hurting》全世界的销量几乎达到了100万张,专辑主要讲述的是 Roland Orzabal 和 Curt Smith 不幸的童年时代。乐队这时加入了鼓手 Manny Elias 和键盘手Ian Stanley,但是 Roland Orzabal 和 Curt Smith 仍然吸引了所有投向该乐队的目光。至今该专辑的全球销售量已经达到300万张。   乐队真正的成功在1985年,他们当年推出的第二张专辑《Songs From The Big Chairs》销量高达900万张,这令乐队乐队知道了什么是世界范围的成功,专辑中包括3首世界知名的经典歌曲 "Mothers Talk", "Shout" 和在全球主要排行榜上都曾先后登上榜首的 "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" 。与灰色的首张专辑相比,新专辑中色彩明亮了许多,不再走单一的 Synth-Pop 路线,Rock成份大大增加,同时还加入了大量的 Soul 音乐成份。他们那时髦漂亮的 Music Videos 更是在 MTV 台中大播特播。但是《Songs From The Big Chairs》的成功却令乐队感到了巨大的压力,在这种成功的压力下,Tears For Fears 的两位成员感到了前所未有的紧迫感,他们坦言:“所有的人都认为我们的演唱事业一帆风顺,但是我们自己却并不这样想,我们相信要想创新就必须打破以前的模式,我们将设法使人们忘记我们,然后再重新开始”。在马不停蹄的巡回演出之后,乐队成员之间关系紧张,Tears For Fears 陷入了前所未有的困境。Curt Smith 马上携妻子到郊外隐居,而 Roland Orzabal 发现自己不能放下工作,就开始为新专辑写歌,但写歌的进程并不顺利,好在 Curt Smith 常常回来鼓励 Roland Orzabal ,并帮助他一起完成歌曲的创作。专辑的录制专辑过程同样也不顺利,前前后后换过四位制作人,七个录音棚,为了能达到更好的混音效果,出版日期拖延了好几次,总之一切都为了完美。1989年,Tears For Fears 的第三张专辑《The Seeds Of Love》出版了。无论从哪方面来说,《The Seeds...
In Fear and Faith is a rock band from San Diego, California, United States. Their debut album Your World on Fire was released January 6th 2009. Their second album, Imperial was released on June 15, 2010. In Fear and Faith was founded in 2006 by members Noah Slifka, Mehdi Niroomand, Tyler McElhaney, Jarred DeArmas, and Ramin Niroomand. A year after recording their self-titled demo, founding vocalist Jarred DeArmas left the group and Tyler "Telle" Smith was employed as the band's clean vocalist along with Cody Anderson as the band's unclean vocalist. They replaced guitarist Davey Owens with Noah Slifka while...
Formed in the armpit of the world Detroit murder city USA. We are comprised of 4 old-school front line vets of the Metal scene. We crank out a sound that could only be compared to the ruthless aggression of vintage German thrash Metal. But don't call us retro, unless you want your teeth removed, the hard way. We've upped the ante and will flat out crush any flavor of the month Swedish clone nerds, or blast wimps. Violence, warfare, destruction, hatred, and total annihilation are the name of the game. We're serious and to the point, like a loaded gun...
There is more than one band that goes by the name 'The Shadows'. Two are mentioned below beginning with the more popular, 'The Shadows' a British pop-rock group followed by 'The Shadows' a blues / blues rock band out of the state of Georgia in the United States. I. The Shadows is a British pop-rock group formed in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, in 1958. Since then they have had a total of 69 UK hit-charting singles (35 as The Shadows and 34 as Cliff Richard & the Shadows) over the period from 1960 to the 2000s. The group, who were in the...