Dean Reed | zh

美國搖滾音樂史上最偉大的樂團之一「清水合唱團Creedence Clearwater Revival,簡稱CCR」,來自舊金山灣區,他們吸收了沼澤藍調音樂[*swamp blues一種深受路易斯安那州南方的克里奧爾人的民謠音樂Zydeco(*20世紀初期經由非洲流傳到路易斯安那州的黑人民謠)影響,融合了蹣跚、晦暗、悠閒的路易斯安那州藍調,加上輕鬆的放克節奏而成的藍調分支音樂]的養分,創造了獨特的舊金山灣區搖滾風格。 1960年時,Doug Clifford、Stu Cook、Tom & John Fogerty這四個在柏克萊鄰近小鎮中學就讀的同窗好友組了一支名叫Tommy Fogerty & The Blue Velvets的樂團,4年之後,這群玩band的男生到John Fogerty打工的Fantasy唱片公司進行試唱,一舉贏得了一紙唱片合約,在經過幾年的巡迴演唱歷練後,1967年,他們正式以Creedence Clearwater Revival[*簡稱C.C.R.]作為團名,發表首張同名專輯,他們以與舊金山搖滾樂完全迴異的南方的沼澤藍調搖滾風格引起樂壇側目,此張專輯裡分別翻唱自Dale Hawkins、Screamin' Jay Hawkins的名曲"Susie Q"、"I Put A Spell On You"瞬間成為排行榜暢銷曲,隨後也躋身為搖滾樂史上的經典之作。樂團緊接著在第2張專輯「Bayou Country」裡展現驚人的創作神采,一連推出"Born On The Bayou"、"Bad Moon Rising"、"Lodi"等橫掃排行的搖滾原創大作。到了1970年,C.C.R.躍身為美國最受歡迎的搖滾勁旅。可惜,扮演了歌曲創作、唱片製作的角色John Fogerty過於強勢的樂團主控權導致C.C.R.於1972年走上解散之途。 .
For anyone looking to brand Jason Aldean as part of a significant musical movement, good luck. There’s a lot about the singer that’s become familiar during his five years as a country hitmaker, after all, he has spent more weeks at #1 on the radio charts than any other country artist in the last 12 months. But none of what he does comes out quite like anyone else. The blues-tinged licks at the end of his phrases—there’s a ring of familiarity about them, but you can’t really link them to another artist. The smoky guitar riffs that have become a...
“Life was saved by rock & roll”这句由Lou Reed的“ROCK&ROLL”中所唱出的名言,至今仍让无数人确信不疑。作为美国乐队THE VELVET UNDERGROUNG(即地下丝绒)主要成员的LOU REED,以他天才般的偏执和任性塑造了THE VELVET UNDERGROUNG,也最终毁了它。LOU REED一直是以一个哲思的学者身份出现在音乐中,他给整个乐队注入宗教般内省的静缢色彩。使得乐队在世界的摇滚史上留下深刻的一笔,往后的十几年,无数摇滚艺人跟随他们的脚步,承袭他们的意识。LOU REED最终单飞,慢慢脱离了THE VELVET UNDERGROUNG的WHITE NOISE的影子,但其呢喃式的唱法,所有这些独特的地方都一再地显示了LOU REED的地位如此的伟大! .
There are more than one artist with this name: 1) Greedy is Sacramento, Ca rapper. 2) Greedy is also finnish rapper. 3) Greedy was a swedish pop punk band that released an album on Ultima Thule's label in 1997 and contributed to a handful of compilation albums up until 2001. .
Jimmy Dean (August 10, 1928 Olton, Texas - June 13, 2010 Varina, Virginia) was an American singer, actor, and businessman who became a professional entertainer following a stint in the U.S. Air Force in the late 1940s. He was born Jimmy Ray Dean (not Seth Ward, as is sometimes stated - Seth Ward is the district of Plainview, Texas where he grew up). He became the host of the popular Washington D.C. TV program Town and Country Time and, with his Texas Wildcats, became regional favorites. Both Patsy Cline and Roy Clark got their starts with Dean, who eventually fired...
找到了 180 歌曲, 持续时间: 15:56:37
Oda a la Alegria
A Cowboy
Wake up America
This Train
Tutti Frutti
To All the Ones I've Loved
If You Go Away
Vietnam Blues
Without You
Old Cowboys Never Die
Rokenroll I Gave You the Best Years of My Life
I Love Me
Blue Suede Shoes
Хава Нагила
Мы победим
Yesterday wehn l was young
Пусть всегда будет солнце
Bella chao
O Bella, Ciao!
Colorado Sun
Riders on the Sky
«My Song For You» (1978)
Living Alone
(LP "МЕЛОДИЯ"-1966г.)
Girl Happy
Let Me Be
El Cantor
«Dean Reed aktuell» (1977)
Мы победим
Bella ciao
A Cowboy
Crazy Arms
Yesterday when i was young
Dean Reed en Chile. 630513. Philips. 1962.Chile
«Дин Рид» (1971)
We Shall Overcome
«We Will Say Yes» (1978)
Свободная мелодия