Sleepwalker | zh

Hello Sleepwalkers is a Japanese rock band from Okinawa signed to A-Sketch and managed by AMUSE. The band consist of Shuntaro (vocals & guitar), Narumi (guitar & vocals), Tasoko (guitar), Makoto (bass) and Yuki (drums). The band debuted on October 5, 2011 with their debut single "センチメンタル症候群" (Sentimental Syndrome). Their debut album "マジルヨル:ネムラナイワクセイ" was released on January 18, 2012. .
There are multiple artists with this name: 1. Psychedelic Alternative Rock 4 - Piece from South West Scotland. (2005-2010). 2. Kenny Dickerson, Scott Kinchen. American House music duo. 2. a Green Bay, Wisconsin rock band .
There are different artists using the name 'Sleepwalker': 1) Atmospheric Black Metal/Post-Rock solo project of Michael Rekevics, the drummer of Fell Voices and Ruin Lust. The band has two CD-R demos, entitled simply Sleepwalker and Sleepwalker II in their most recent releases on vinyl by Vedavu Records. More information can be found in the albums' wikis (note that's tracklist for the first demo is for another band's album). Sleepwalker had begun working on new material as of May 15th, 2011, and was planning on releasing new material (and re-releasing its demoes) on CD through Khrysanthoney, but due to the...
There are four bands with this name: 1) Sleepwalkers are a death doom metal duo from Austin Texas and Windsor, Ontario. Their debut demo "Hollowpath" was released digitally in May 2013. It can be obtained from 2) Hardcore band from Los Angeles. 3) A post-hardcore band from Worcester, Massachusetts. 4) An electronic collaboration between Ben Marsden and Richard Siddall-Jones. .