aran | zh

There seem to be at least 9 bands with this name: 1) Japanese Heavy Metal band. One of the members, Heath, is the current bass player of X JAPAN (since 1993). 2)ParAnOia hailed from Stoke-On-Trent in Staffordshire, UK during the 1980's. Thanks to the internet there has been an upsurge in interest in the band over recent years. The band came out of obscurity in 1983 with their first releases on Rot Records; a 7" vinyl single entitled 'Dead Mans Dreams' and then an album 'Shattered Glass', which received rave reviews in the music press. The tracks on this page,...
Jysi And Josh From FRESNO, CA. A married couple who decided to make music for the love of music! On July 25, 2011, the music of Amarante first appeared on SoundCloud and has since generated over a half a million plays as well as securing the #7, #14 and #24 spots (as of 5/6/2014) for three separate tracks on SoundCloud. However, it all had to start from somewhere. The music that you hear is self produced from a small bedroom in Southern California where the songwriting, recording, mixing and mastering comes alive. Using just a single mic, a keyboard, a...
Amaranthe是一支由瑞典及丹麦成员组成的力量/旋律死亡金属乐队,乐队是由Jake E Lundberg 及Olof Morck发起。随着主唱Elize Ryd,Andy Slovestorm,鼓手Morten Lowe加入,乐队最终成型。    2011年,他们将推出自己的第一张录音室专辑Hunger,本歌便是其同名主打。Hunger将乐队旋死及力量金属的元素充分体现。女主唱Elize及主合声Jake的双重交响,带来不一样的音效感觉。Andy的嘶吼,也是传统死金乐队所具有的基本元素,期待这支金属乐队的表现。 .
Official: Soundcloud .
Paulie Garand is a young Czech rapper, poet and producer from Liberec. He is a member of the Czech hip-hop duo BPM and label Ty Nikdy. Some of his lyrics could be described as melancholic poems with various themes. First came into the hip hop scene in 2006. On the other hand, his solo album Harant features self-representative and party lyrics. On this album he also collaborates with famous Czech producers such as DJ Wich or DTonate .