Otan | zh

1) OTAN: a hardcore punk band from Barcelona 2) Otan: a Feminist Punk band from Vienna .
Gotan Project 的三位成員,分別是 Philippe Cohen Sola、Christophe Mueller 以及 Eduardo Makaroff 。基於對 Tango 音樂的熱愛,以及對於電子與傳統音樂融合的企圖心,在 1990 年代末期,於法國的巴黎組成了這個project 。 Phillipe 跟 Christophe 早先曾分別幫幾位知名導演,包括拍攝 " 在黑暗中漫舞 " 的 Las Von Trier 製作過電影配樂。於是歐洲的各類傳統音樂,都曾經是他們攝取的題材,至於第三位成員 Edurado,則是在法國與阿根廷兩地都有相當知名度,一位有著高超演奏技巧的探哥音樂家,在 Gotan Project 之中,他所擔任的是吉他演奏的職務。 .
There are at least 8 bands/artists that have used the name Wotan: 1. Italian epic heavy metal band from Milan, Lombardy2. Italian epic speed and death/thrash metal from Pescara, Abruzzo3. Italian power progressive metal band from Rome, Lazio4. French heavy metal band from Corbeil-Essonnes, Île-de-France5. German thrash metal band Wotan (a.k.a. World of Terror and Nausea) 6. Polish black/death metal band from Wasilków7. German Hard Rock, Oi, Punk band8. Austrian DJ and producer (Philipp M. Straub) 1) Wotan are an epic metal band from Italy, formed in 1991. The band is consisted of Vanni on vocals, Mario on guitars, Salvatore...
Duotang formed in Winnipeg in the summer of 1995, by two young gentlemen who shared a penchant for red wine on good days, and Labatt Blue on the rest. They also shared a great love for sixties bands such as The Who, The Beatles, The Kinks and such. Rod Slaughter (today, he plays in Novillero) played bass and Sean Allum played drums, in different bands. They got together late at night at the warehouse their respective band’s shared, and played sixties songs until dawn. No one else would ever want to join in, so Rod became the singer. One night,...
Led by erstwhile Firewater co-conspirator and international piano man Paul Wallfisch, Botanica is a band named for those mysterious stores stocking spells, potions and artifacts of ritual. Botanica makes punk rock chamber music for the 21st century. Paul’s gypsy past has taken him to 40 countries, including performances of various sorts in in China, Finland, Indonesia and Guinea--where he became an overnight sensation lipsynching on the only TV show in the land. Past lives saw collaboration with Love & Rockets, Congo Norvell, Stiv Bators, Syl Sylvain, Stan Ridgeway and a parade of French people as diverse as Anne Pigalle and...