Bach | zh

There are at least 2 musicans under name Bach: 1. Johann Sebastian Bach (pronounced [joˈhan/ˈjoːhan zeˈbastjan ˈbax]) (31 March 1685 [O.S. 21 March] – 28 July 1750) was a German composer and organist whose sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity. Although he introduced no new forms, he enriched the prevailing German style with a robust contrapuntal technique, an unrivalled control of harmonic and motivic organisation in composition for diverse instrumentation, and the adaptation of rhythms and textures from abroad, particularly Italy...
Laibach来自一个曾经属于社会主义阵营的国家——南斯拉夫。1980年6月1日, Laibach在南斯拉夫工业城市特波罗吉市成立。三年后的同一天,乐队发行了首张录音室作品“天空发白”。三周后,Laibach在加布加那市每周一次的文化政治电视节目“曝光者”中猛烈评击了南斯拉夫政府。“Laibach现象”立刻在全国引发了轩然大波。 80 年代初,年轻气盛的Laibach潜入了噪音艺术的海洋,这时候他们制作的系列音乐原始、粗糙,充分反映出东欧政治版块的蹉跎动荡,在民众呼声与政治改革的双重掩护下,Laibach与自己的艺术团体NSK建立了一个新的国家——NSK。在1990年以莎翁悲剧为名的专辑“麦克白斯”的唱片背面,他们已经开拓出自己的领土——一个在世界上找不到的国家:NSK。他们甚至设计发行了NSK的货币和邮票。这个乌托邦的艺术设计中,隐居的实则是一个理想人类的群居部落:没有战火,没有权欲,没有叫嚣,没有哀号。 Laibach把音乐作为一种强调视觉功能的手段和工具,所以在他们的音乐中,你会身临历史与未来的边界,亲睹已逝的岁月,触摸瞬息即至的未知,聆听超时代的异音。专辑“北约”诞生于1994年,5年后它的剩余价值终于兑现了——Laibach的祖国迎来了北约的导弹。 “北约”是电脑的产物,在此之前,1992年的专辑“首都”已暴露出德国七十年代电子乐先驱 Kraftwerk对Laibach产生的深远影响。Laibach的音乐创作是一座浩荡而精确的工程,但他们同时又是实实在在的拿来主义者。他们似乎天生就对重建人类生存环境的新秩序具备了本能和野心。“北约”中的歌曲“Dogs Of War”居然是对Pink Floyd同名作品的再处理。Laibach用科技音乐去制造一种宽远雄浑的现代交响乐气氛,并总在中期以来的作品中加入宗教气质浓郁的女声咏叹调,听他们的作品,你会立刻想到一个人——德国后浪漫派作曲家瓦格纳,以及他指挥下史歌般的画卷。 Laibach 偏爱大合唱的壮观景色,这让他们在实验电子乐的歧路上又多走了一个行程,而民族特色的男声呤诵又让Laibach在低调美学的王国里多了一把杀伤力十足的武器。以上Laibach的惯用方式在“北约”的后半段运用得极为自然与准确,至此,创作者已放弃了谴责战争的表层道德基准,从而转向了对人性罪恶根源的围剿。在最后两首歌曲“2525”与“Mars On River Drina”中,致命的重击突破了电子音效的屏障,如山洪的崩溃压向了二十世纪末东欧最后一座火葬场。 “北约”无疑是Laibach众多专辑中最具战争情结的一张,为数不多的作品却全景拍摄了人类发展史上所有战争的即定程序。“北约”以数码直线的冰冷曲调拉开了战幕,这暗示着一个机器控制人的时代已无可避免地到来。创作者为了揭示战争的残忍、绝望、呆板、失控的本色,不惜冒着平庸失败的危险将作品平面化、黑白化。换言之表达者只是提供一种速度、一种颜色和一种情绪。这其实已违背了一名艺术工作者的本职,Laibach在这首歌中明显地为自己的角色做了自我辩护。最有趣的是第二首歌“Final Countdown”,陈旧的编排令人想起了80年代的香港劲歌金曲,这种保守的作风让Laibach在众多当代的实验先锋中显得极为特殊(它或许正是Laibach对自己国格的一种忠诚)。 .
See Jacques Offenbach for classical french composer. Offenbach was formed in Quebec in 1969 by Gerry Boulet, Michael Lamonthe, Jr., and Wezo. The band signed with the independent Barclay label in 1972 and released the French album Offenbach Soap Opera. Four years later, A&M provided a record deal and released the band's self-titled album in 1977. Also released that year was Never Too Tender and another self-titled LP. Lamonthe and Wezo left around that time and were replaced by Pierre Lavoie and Norman Kerr (though Kerr left soon after). In 1979, Offenbach recorded Traversion and added more new members, Breen...
Falkenbach is an German Folk Metal band. Vratyas Vakyas (the searching wanderer), the sole member of Falkenbach, resides now in Düsseldorf, Germany. Falkenbach is currently signed to Napalm Records, an Austrian-based heavy metal label. The band formed in 1989. In 1995, no more than three demos were released - Skinn Av Sverði Söl Valtiva, Læknishendr, and Ásynja. A total of seven demos have been recorded since the band's inception; however, only five of these demos are known about. With the exception of the Havamal demo (which is allegedly clean folk music), the band started out with a raw sound, with...
找到了 109 歌曲, 持续时间: 09:14:05
Ave Maria
Johann Sebastian Bach: Air
Bach: Fugue In E, BWV 878
Mundian to Bach Ke
Partita Nr. 5 G-Dur BWV 829
Goldberg-Variationen BWV 998 - Teil 17
Chaconne For Solo Violin
Mundian To Bach Ke (OST Диктатор)
Symphony No. 1 in B-Flat Major, Op. 9
Brandenburg Concerto No.2
Suite N°2 in B Minor, BWV 1067
Goldberg-Variationen BWV 998 - Teil 01
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565
Prelude in C
Brandenburg Concerto No.2
Прелюдия и фуга № 8 es-moll
J.S.Bach:Toccata I Fuga U D-Molu BWV 565
Choral in E-Flat Major "Prèlude"
Trap Bach
Drunk Bach
Concerto Brandeburghese n. 2
Air from Orchestral in D Major, BWV 1068
Concerto per Violino e Orchestra
Suite N° 2 in B Minor, BWV 1067
Choral in E-Flat Major "Prèlude"
Drill Bach
bach piano
Invention No. 5 in S major: BWV 776
J. S. Bach: Tokata I Fuga U D-Molu, BWV 565
Invention Nr. 6
Bach's Toccata on One Guitar
Bach - Air
Johann Sebastian Bach : Siciliano, bwv 1031
Invention No. 10 in G major: BWV 781
Solaris listen to bach
How Does It Feel
Concerto Brandeburghese n. 2 II
Invention Nr. 8
Bach Tokata in D-Moll
Goldberg-Variationen BWV 998 - Teil 15
Understand It
Concerto Brandeburghese n. 5
Дикий Панч 10