Hatsune Miku Vocaloid) | zh

年齡:16歲 生日:8月31日 身高:158 cm(公分) 體重:42 kg 擅長的曲種:流行歌曲 擅長的節奏:70~245BPM(原設定為70~208 在 (初音未來的消失)節奏高達240突破原本的208 擅長的音域:A3~E5(原設定為C3~E4。實際軟體的最高極限和最低極限分別是G8和C-2,高過或低過某一定音高後的輸出效果會開始變得不理想,甚至聲音變小。) 衣服和機械部分以Yamaha於1983年發售的DX系列為藍本。左臂「01」的初期設定是一個QR碼,衣服的原設計則是水手服,但CRYPTON覺得不夠好而轉為現在的衣服設計。 .
Kosmikud - an Estonian depressive rock group - released their first album „Ei roosid” in the year 2000, after their singer Taavi Pedriks had died. The remaining three members of the band - Aleksander Vana (guitar), Kristo Rajasaare (drums) and Kõmmari (bass) - decided to take a time out, rehearse and try new singers. They chose Meelis Hainsoo, who was a friend of their previous singer. Their second album „Kuidas tuli pimedus mu tuppa”, which was released in 2003, includes songs that talk about love, death, depression, etc. Their biggest influences have been Joy Division, Nick Cave, and Kino. Their...