XXXTENTACION closed on sunday lofi remix | zh

Most of remixed songs are tagged as remix, but Remix are also a rock band from Latvia. Founded in 1985 as a band of Latvian Radio with the line-up: Rodrigo Fomins (a.k.a. Igo) - lead vocalist Aivars Hermanis - guitars Jevgenijs Scapovs - bass guitar (until '88) Uldis Marhilēvičs - keyboards/vocals Vilnis Krieviņš - percussion Harijs Bass - keyboards (until '86) Eduards Glotovs - bass guitar (since '88) They all were high-skilled musicians and that was the key of their achievements and popularity in Latvia, whole USSR and even Eastren and part of Western Europe. In the beginning Remix were...
1- Closed is a Spanish Italo Disco project, that was produced by Gino, and J. Stefanelli. It released the single "Living In Your Eyes" in 1987. 2- Closed are Thomas Persson (Vocals), Peter Gustafsson (Rhytm Guitar, Vocals), Johan Tiger (Lead Guitar), Staffan Nilsson (Bass) and Markus Lihnell (Drums). Together they have crafted what they call Grungecore. .
Taking Back Sunday乐队是美国中生代Emo(情绪硬核)摇滚乐的中坚力量之一,他们与Dashboard Confessional乐队等已成为在2000年以后商业成绩最好的Emo摇滚乐队之一。1999年11月,在纽约的Amityville,Taking Back Sunday乐队正式组建,但是直到2000年12月,Taking Back Sunday乐队才确立了主要的固定乐队阵容,Adam Lazzara作为主唱,招募Shaun Cooper作为贝斯手,Eddie Reyes和John Nolan做吉他手,鼓手是Mark O’Connell。利用这套固定阵容,Taking Back Sunday乐队开始创作一些硬核旋律作品,受Sunny Day Real Estate,Lifetime等乐队影响,Emo音乐成为乐队主要风格,阵容确立两个月后的2001年2月,Taking Back Sunday乐队录制并发行了一张五首单曲的小样唱片,像众多不知名的Emo乐队一样,通过无休止的巡演,Taking Back Sunday乐队确立了自己的地位,并且成功的在2001年12月与Victory Records唱片公司签约。 与唱片公司签约后的Taking Back Sunday乐队立即开始了唱片的录制,在新泽西的录音室内,乐队与制作人Sal Villanueva和Tim Gilles通力合作录制了乐队的第一张正式专辑《Tell All Your Friends》,并于2002年3月发行。这是一张纯正的Emo专辑,情绪化的演唱以及硬核的旋律和节奏,不过专辑的市场反馈一般,只在发行将近一年以后短暂的出现在Billboard 200排行榜的183位一周时间,总销量不到50万。 .
Pale Sunday这支独立流行乐队由Sineval Santos(guitars and acoustic guitars,其实还是负责乐队对外事物的大佬), Luiz Gustavo(主音兼bass guitar)和Fabricio Cantoni(guitars, keys, drums and backings)三人组成,来自巴西圣保罗附近的小地方Jardinopolis。2003年“Pale Sunday”以EP同名单曲“A Weekend With Jane”获得国际赞誉后,便很快被人们拿来跟著名的“Another Sunny Day”、“Razorcuts”等同类独立清新派团体作比较。继2003和2004年参与Matinée旗下精选《Matinée 50》、《Romantic and Square is Hip and Aware》两张专辑的制作进程后,2005年4月份他们终于发行了自己的第一张正式大碟——《Summertime》。    Summertime是一张标准的而又十分容易入耳的独立流行盘,其间的音乐成分繁杂却又很讨巧,有爽快的吉他弹拨,有劈啪作响的手打节拍;有有意无意的清淡和声,有无奈却执著的不卑不亢的朗朗叙述;电子键盘配合曼陀铃再加清爽吉他,迷人的曲调配上情感含蓄的歌词,实在是今年不可多得的一张独立流行佳作。千万别被第一首也是主打歌之一的“The White Tambourine”开头的汽车发动机轰鸣给迷惑了,完美的旋律和清朗无比的轻快节奏可是频繁地在后面等着你呢。 .
This indie rock powerhouse known as Japanese Sunday should be a welcome addition to the San Diego roster of quality bands. Having put together a ten song debut that floats from the eloquence similar to that of EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY to the raucousness of acts like FUGAZI, Japanese Sunday have managed to develop a sound all their own. Songs like "First Shot Fired on a Blue A.M." and "Tigers on Ships" are easily my favorites but the guitar work on the intro and then throughout "Pinocchio, The Bleeder" almost sounds like classical Latin guitar and is fantastic. The vocals...
找到了 9 歌曲, 持续时间: 15:25
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