Jericho | zh

There's more than one band called Jericho: 1. Israeli hard/progressive/psychedelic rock band 2. solo project of Mark Salling 3. Canadian band 4. British future garage duo 5. American punk rock band 6. rock band from Kosovo 7. A hip-hop artist/rapper from New Jersey. 8. Czech blues/rock band 1) Jericho is an israeli hard/progressive/psychedelic rock ensemble that recorded only one, self-titled, album in 1972. Band started in 1965, in Israel, as The Churchills, later they moved to England, changed their's name to Jericho Jones, next to Jericho and signed up canadian guitarist Robb Huxley. 2) Jericho is the solo project of...
Christian Band. Members of the band are LDS but band has fans all over the face of the christian religion. Check out .
“WALLS OF JERICHO”,来自摩托城底特律的年轻乐队,现代感浓郁的曲风融入野蛮、凶猛的音色,结合了Hardcore Punk与Speed Metal激进、张狂的特点,加之嗓音极端、暴烈的女性主唱,这一切都成为WOJ在众多新晋乐队中异军突起的关键砝码。在今年夏天刚刚闭幕的2006 Ozzfest音乐节上,WOJ出众的表现赢得了世界各地媒体与乐迷们的高度赞扬;此外,乐队在今年还推出了最新专辑《With devils amongst us all》,从而使他们的声势再度高涨。 1998年,EARTHMOVER乐队前成员与APATHEMY乐队女主唱Candace Kucsulain创建了WOJ。1999年,乐队与Trustkill公司签约,并发行了他们的处女专辑《The Bound Feed The Gagged》。嘈杂、混乱的音效与近乎癫狂的嘶吼,甚至可以让人感受到这张专辑在“noisecore”的边缘徘徊。尤其是女主唱Candace的嗓音尖锐而锋利,给人留下了极为深刻的印象。作品一经推出,在摇滚乐坛中便掀起了不小的震撼。但就在首张专辑问世后不久,WOJ曾一度宣布解散,经历了两年的沉默,直到2003年,CATHARSIS乐队的鼓手Alexi Rodriguez才将WOJ重组。同年夏天,乐队在美国进行巡演,并参加了当年在意大利锡拉库扎、美国纽约的Hellfest音乐节,以及比利时的RiotFest音乐节。乐队重新登上舞台,为无数的极端乐迷们带去疯狂甚至暴力的现场。对于“暴力”,WOJ是身体力行的,尤其是女主唱Candace,她经常会在演出异常兴奋的状态中碰破鼻子、撞伤脑袋。甚至在一些更严重的时候,她还会被送进医院。最出名的例子是乐队在美国阿那海姆的Chain Reaction巡演中,一位过度激动的歌迷不小心被Candace的麦克风线绊倒,以至于他将Candace的头部砸伤,血流不止。 2003年末,WOJ在乐队吉他手Mike Hasty的Cloud City工作室录制了他们的第二张专辑《All Hail The Dead》,并于2004年2月在Trustkill旗下发行。这张作品中,可以明显的感到他们的音乐已逐步走向成熟。Candace在上张作品中略显笨拙的尖叫早已不复存在,相反,她的吼叫更加强硬、更具攻击性,令人难以想象是一位女性主唱所为。在一浪高过一浪的NWOAHM的大潮中,WOJ结合了Metalcore与Hardcore风格的音乐无疑已被归入其中。因此,人们常常会拿他们与其他同类乐队相互比较,但WOJ仍旧以它独特的号召力与颠覆性激发着人们躁动的神经。2006年8月,WOJ的新专辑《With devils amongst us all》问世,更为精良的录音与制作,无疑使乐队的整体水准朝着更高的方向不断迈进。(文/嗜血玛丽) .
Jericho Rosales is an Asian actor/singer who emerged to continental stardom when he starred in the soap opera Pangako Sa'Yo (A Promise To You) which was a substantial hit across Asia. He has then appeared to numerous soaps such as Sana'y Wala Nang Wakas (Hope For No End), Ang Panday (The Blacksmith) and the Int'l Emmy Nominated Pangarap Na Bituin (Dream Star). He is slated to make his Hollywood debut with Briana Evigan (Step Up 2: The Streets) on the film Subject: I Love You. He is currently starring in the big budget soap opera "For Just One Moment" with...
Rose of Jericho creates a new style of rock with their wall of sound guitars combined with Andrea Russie's flowing and melodic vocals. From the rock anthem "Take Me Away" to the acoustic and atmospheric "These City Lights", this group has something for all fans of rock, alternative, and acoustic music. .
找到了 188 歌曲, 持续时间: 15:55:30
Jericho [#PCFM]
Jericho (KRSTF TECHNO Remix)
Jericho (Atmostive Remix)
Jericho (RG Remix)
Jericho (DJ Skyrock Remix)
Jericho (Bichurin remix)
Jericho (RG Remix)
Jericho (DJ Giany Drum And Bass Remix)
Jericho (Iniko cover)
They Don't Care About Us X Jericho (Mashup G-MiX)
Jericho (Remix Kompa Iniko)
Jericho (TikTok KRSTF Remix)
Jericho (Shiloh Version)
Jericho (Official)
Jericho A Capella
Iniko - Jericho (Lyrics)
Jericho (Rioka DnB Remix)
Vibe (Nikola Dejic Remix)
Jericho | PLUGIN Remix
Jericho (DJ Dark Remix)
Jericho Remix |
Jericho (KRSTF Remix)
Jericho - Bass Singer Cover - Iniko