Cool Dad | zh

【中文名】LL·康尔·J/LL·酷杰    【英文名】LL Cool J (即Ladies Love Cool James的缩写)    【原名】James Todd Smith    【性别】男    【生日】1968-01-14    【角色】演员 歌手 第一位以饶舌歌曲攻顶Billboard流行榜冠军。 第一位参加“MTV不插电现场演唱”之嘻哈艺人。 第一位创下连续六张白金专辑与六张金唱片单曲饶舌歌手…。 一位天生艺人,永远闪耀着巨星级夺目光芒。来自纽约长岛、原名James Todd Smith,成长在音乐环境中的LL Cool J,9岁便开窍了饶舌韵脚、16岁发行首支单曲“I Need A Beat”,狂销超过十万张的惊人销售量,促成LL Cool J勇战乐坛之决心。1987年荣获全美节奏蓝调榜冠军之“I Need Love”,获选为滚石杂志“流行音乐百大经典”之一。 1985-2004年共推出11张个人专辑,缔造一千五百余万张纪录,两项葛莱美以及MTV、Billboard、Soul Train、Source、纽约音乐…等奖项加冕,参与演出之戏剧也有20余部之多,堪称当今嘻哈/饶舌乐界最具影响力的人物之一。 .
The Cool Notes were a mid 1980s funk/pop group who had a string of chart hits in the UK between 1984 and 1986. The band consisted of seven members of both vocal and instrumental talent. They are best known for their UK number 11 hit "Spend The Night". .
Daddy Cool is an Australian rock band formed in Melbourne in 1970 with the original line-up of Wayne Duncan (bass, vocals), Ross Hannaford (lead guitar, bass, vocals), Ross Wilson (lead vocals, rhythm guitar, harmonica) and Gary Young (drums, vocals) . Their debut single "Eagle Rock" was released in May 1971 and stayed at number 1 on the Australian singles chart for ten weeks. Their debut July 1971 LP Daddy Who? Daddy Cool also reached number 1 and became the first Australian album to sell more than 100,000 copies. Their name comes from the 1957 song "Daddy Cool" by US rock...
Coolio于1963年八月出生于洛杉矶的Artis Ivey,70年代末他开始在高中表演说唱。   1994年,他和无线电台音乐节目主持人“酒鬼” Bryan Dobbs 合作, 灌制了首张专辑《ItTakes A Thief》,结果一鸣惊人,并借助其中排名第三的单曲 “Fantastic Voyage” 之力,获白金殊荣。95年,Coolio的续作“Gansta’s Paradise”,主打歌荣获当年最佳说唱单曲,巩固了Coolio是90年代最出色的说唱艺人之一的地位。   Funk血统,pop走向,雷鬼发型加上一张苦瓜脸,这就是九十年代中期的rap英雄 Coolio的光辉形象.也许是因为大器晚成,加上一直被贴上POP标签,虽然曾经风光无限,但Coolio从未在Hip-hop历史拥有过一个时代,甚至晚景凄凉,写满了携带大麻和被传讯的纪录.但他确实是在街头音乐与流行音乐中找到平衡的第一个人.Puff Daddy把舞曲成功融入Hip-hop,要感谢Coolio铺的路——让那些沉睡的古式Funk乐和Hardcore鼓点温和一点,以方便在年轻人中随心所欲地蔓延开来,这是他的成就,也是他被人诟病之处——商业痕迹重,讨好低龄听众,对街头音乐不够严肃.   Coolio原名Artis Ivey,是Wast Cost/G-Funk/Gangsta Rap的代表人物之一,1991年发迹於L.A,从多单曲到有专辑的发现让Coolio开始他的传奇人生,但占领嘻哈狠角色排名却要从1995年说起在蜜雪儿菲佛主演的电影【危险游戏】主题曲"Gangsta´s Paradise"(取样StevieWonder的"Pastime Paradise")让他吸引全球的注意力,也获得葛莱美奖最佳饶舌演唱歌曲,他的恶魔头才真的为众人所知。之后"Too Hot"受时尚走秀的邀约现场演出,再者"Sumpin´New"的""歌词更是摇翻全台舞池(造成嘻哈变跳恰恰始作俑者),让台湾与美国每晚都在播,这一切都是因为它的歌曲节奏强烈念唱的起转也富有节奏,在连续的狂播风中让他成为少数嘻哈音乐普及率最高的艺人,就如此的踏上嘻哈狠角色一途。   Coolio的辉煌年代仅仅从1995年的“Gangsta’s Paradise”持续到1997的“C U when U getthere”很好的一首潜吟低唱作品卡农+Hip-Hop .
COOLON (クーロン 2002-2007) is a hip-hop band of 4 members: * Lio (MC, truck) * NoBuNaGa (MC) * Oki (vocals) * Akira (vocals) Former members : * Ch @ ppy * Dragon the band was formed in 2002 by Lio ,NoBuNaGa and Ch @ ppy (Ch @ ppy after withdrawal, to join a dragon). August 3, 2005, both A side single "Days / KAGEROU" major league debut, and won 25 national FM radio stations Powerplay.March 2006 which was released on Sun 2nd single "Canvas" is TBS 『anime series Eureka Seven ending theme picked』. May 2006, Denki Groove hit "Shangri-La" a...
找到了 62 歌曲, 持续时间: 05:29:13
Cool It Baby
bubblegum rave mix_160 bpm
A Cool Dad
Dad Socks
Cool Streets
Cool Dad Perpetually Drowning in Shit
Jazz in the North Zone
Cool Dad Perpetually Drowning in Shit
So Cool(Original Mix)
Cool 12
dark water
Cool Dad High
Hypnospace Is Cool (Xtra Hypno Mix) (Chowder Man)
Grand Dad Rave (thank you sony of japan very cool)
time killer (feat. APOLLO)
u r evil
A Cool Cup of Coffee
Jet Ski Cool (My Dad's A Lawyer)
Habibi Yar Cool Remix
Trying To Be Cool (D.A.R.E. Remix)
Hypnospace Is Cool
My Brookyn Dad Winter Coat / SDF4
Hypnospace Is Cool (Chowder Man)
it's ur dad? yeah he is cool, 4real
Lucio's Big Time
Cool Down the Dancehall
Habibi Yar Cool Remix
Ugnaughty (New Dad for Christmas)
Cool It Down(Prod by D.A.T.O)
cool cats and hot dogs
Old Is Cool
Too Cool feat. Vybz Kartel (11')
self hate team
02 Long Cool & Bubbly [Dad Man Cat]
Alors on Danse (Cool Keedz & Zucchi Bootleg)
nasty women mix
femme hop house mix 2