Yang Lean | zh

音乐小莱姆LeAnn Rimes,用她厚实嘹喨的歌声征服全球数以万计乐迷的心,以一名乡村乐手起家的LeAnn,更难以想象的造成全台湾的疯狂销售沦陷,虽然近期乡村音乐一再改良,加入流行、摇滚、舞曲等元素,但这场精采的乡村缤纷派对,早已在全台火速蔓延开来! 出生在美国密西西比州的LeAnn,从小立志成为一名优秀歌手,2岁时就开始唱歌,5岁稚龄即在歌唱比赛中展露头角,以14岁的年纪发行首张个人作品《Blue》,她那令人讶异万分的超龄演出实力,及充沛深具爆发力收放自若的嗓音,马上引起流行/乡村界的巨大骚动,无不为她的声音所慑服!专辑空降乡村榜冠军、流行榜季军,相继夺下全美音乐奖 “最佳新人”与葛莱美奖“年度最佳乡村女歌手”的荣耀加冕,接着推出的早期录音作品《Unchained Melody》、《You Light Up My Life》都夺下乡村榜/流行专辑榜双料冠军,加入流行味浓的续发作品,也都同样获得极佳回响,累积千万销售量的LeAnn Rimes,更是电影厂商的最爱,原本替《空中监狱》演唱的How Do I Live,虽然上演出换人唱之风波,但她的原始版本争气的创下史上停留最久69周之空前纪录,为电影动画《魔剑奇兵》演唱之Looking Through Your Eye,再次缔造电影情歌之经典佳作,最为全球乐迷为之疯狂的《女郎俱乐部》,其片中主题曲与插曲,皆因LeAnn 的领衔带动下,攻入英国市场,成为2000年最为畅销的作品,台湾也突破少数西洋歌手能卖超过10万以上的销售纪录! 两座葛莱美奖、四座Billboard音乐奖及全美音乐等奖项之肯定,已为人妇的LeAnn Rimes,继续在乐坛演出她越显成熟的歌唱魅力。 .
Brazilian Singer real name José Carlos Gonzales .
Eleanor Friedberger (born September 2, 1976 in Oak Park, Illinois) is an American musician most well-known for being one half of the indie rock duo The Fiery Furnaces, along with her older brother Matthew Friedberger. In the band she contributes the majority of the vocals both on record and during their live performances. Friedberger grew up singing with her grandmother, Olga Sarantos, and family in a Greek Orthodox Church. On July 12, 2011, Merge Records released Friedberger's first solo album, Last Summer. The Spoon song "Anything You Want" and the Franz Ferdinand song "Eleanor Put Your Boots On" were both...
Eleanor Rigby was an '80s mod revival performer who released four singles and one LP. Her manager/apparent ex-husband Russell C. Brennan wrote the majority of her material and continues to promote her to this day despite the fact she left the music industry a long time ago. Two Eleanor Rigby 'best of' volumes were released in the '90s collecting almost all of her recordings. .
Yang is an instrumental rock band founded by Frédéric L’Epée (Shylock, Philharmonie) made of 2 guitars, bass, drums. Their 1st album, « A Complex Nature » was released on Cuneiform Records, the 2nd, « Machines » was released in 2010 under their own name. http://www.yanggroup.fr/index.html http://www.myspace.com/yanggroup http://www.facebook.com/pages/Yang/121724641193636 .