Jelly Roll Anderson | zh

The Bay City Rollers were a Scottish pop/rock band of the 1970s. Their youthful, clean-cut image, distinct styling featuring tartan-trimmed outfits, and cheery, sing-along pop hits helped the group become among the most popular musical acts of their time. For a relatively brief but fervent period (nicknamed "Rollermania"), they were a worldwide sensation. Bassist Alan Longmuir, his younger brother Derek Longmuir, a drummer, along with school mate, lead singer Gordon "Nobby" Clark founded the group in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1967, as The Saxons. Shortly afterwards, seeking a less English-sounding moniker, they chose a new name allegedly by throwing a dart...
“The Rolling Stones”的名字取自于前辈艺人Muddy Waters的一首歌曲《Rollingstones Blues》,乐队从1962年年底开始在伦敦的Marquee Club表演,自此他们开始了不凡的音乐生涯。早期的The Rolling Stones的作品走的就是民谣和节奏布鲁斯路线。1965年,发表的第一首上榜歌曲《Satisfaction》奠定了乐队的基本音乐风格,不仅如此,这首名作在当时的西方社会取得了很大的反响,是它引导了摇滚乐的创作演变为具有社会意义的一种文化表现形式。六十年代末,处于高峰时期的The Rolling Stones发行了几张出色的专辑《Begger’s Banquet》、《Their Satanic Majesties Request》以及后来的《Let It Bleed》等都取得了相当大的成功,并成为了摇滚史上的经典杰作。那个时代,The Rolling Stones作品的现实意义和反叛性,反映了六十年代西方青年最有共鸣的心声,这些率直,纯朴作品也是当时欧美大众文化的典范,The Rolling Stones乐队本身也建立了自己特有的叛逆个性与时代感召力的形象。那些令人百听不厌的不朽名曲:《Street Fight Man》、《Gimme Shelter》、《Jumping Jack Flash》、《You Can’t Always Get What You Want》、《Ruby Tuesday》、《Sympathy For The Devil》、《Tell me》、《Start Me Up》…… 鼎盛时期的The Rolling Stones乐队能精确,生动地演绎布鲁斯音乐,另外他们表现的成熟,尖锐的硬摇滚(Hard Rock)曲风能使人激动不已,他们形成的夸张、豪放的音乐表现特征也使他们成为经典摇滚(Classic Rock)的奠基者之一。进入七十年代,推出了《Sticky Fingers》和《Exile On Main Street》这样优秀的唱片。The Rolling Stones在各地的演唱会使无数歌迷领略到了摇滚乐无穷的魅力与巨大快乐,也确实影响了后来许多出色乐队诸如Guns N' Roses等的创作和成长。八十、九十年代,The Rolling Stones依然活跃于音乐舞台,1988年发行的专辑《Steel Wheel》引起了很大的轰动。1994年的专辑《Vooddo Lounge》与1997年专辑《Bridge To Babylon》均取得了乐评界的好评并在销量上也取得了不俗的成绩。2002年9月,The Rolling Stones发行了集合他们40年光辉音乐历程中40首精彩名曲的精选专辑《Forty Licks》并展开了声势浩大的“Forty Licks World Tour”全球巡演。2005年10月,他们又重回录音室推出了全新专辑《A Bigger Bang》,坚定地返回了他们曾经年少、纵横驰骋的岁月。“当初,The Rolling Stones曾经屹立在西方流行文化的桥头,树立起叛逆文化的坐标;如今,他们成了目视潮流来来往往的渔夫,但是他们仍然是叛逆文化的坐标。尽管在流行文化,或者说是在社会中的角色已经随着时间的冲刷而改变,但是The Rolling Stones的精神并没有任何的改变,关于爱情,颓废,性,叛逆与死亡总是他们音乐的主题,不论任何文化取向的变迁,他们的态度总是一如既往。” The Rolling Stones的音乐很注重情感表达,它的表达也是异常丰富,无论是像柔情婉转,动人心弦的抒情作品《As Tears Go By》及《Angle》,还是激情满怀,节奏坚定,动感十足的 《Start Me Up》、《It’s Only Rock N’Roll》、《Brown Sugar》都会引起听众的强烈共鸣。经典的《I Can Get No Satisfaction》和《Paint It Black》成了那个时代叛逆少年的口头禅,The Rolling Stones的作品普遍追求的是一种狂放、自由的甚至是丑陋的美,诸如《Under My Thumb》和《Ride On Baby》就有着放肆直露的性指向,《19th Nervous Breakdown》更是成为了摇滚乐的反面教材,即便是这样的作品,The Rolling Stones仍旧是那么的有美感,他们是站在神圣的理想化晕眩的对立面,是一种“审丑”意义上的美学范畴。在他们洒脱,亮丽,厚实的乐曲声里,在Jagger颤抖的尖利的刺骨的唱腔里,体现了一种超然忘我的纯真与叛逆,作为朴实的人本主义者,The Rolling Stones没有喻世诲人,他们只寻求残酷坚定地表达。...
New Trolls is an Italian progressive rock band that started in the 60s and has existed off and on since then. The story began in Genova, circa 1966, when former members of The Trolls decided to form a new band. Their first album, Senza orario senza bandiera (1968), combines 60s psychedlia with some Classical tendencies, and yielded several singles for the band. Their second album, New Trolls (1970), was actually a compilation of numerous singles. After that, the band's personnel changes began. In 1971, the band collaborated with composer Luis Enriquez Bacalov for Concerto grosso per i New Trolls, which...
There are three artists with the name 'Jelly Roll' Jelly Roll (Artist) Hailing straight out of Cashville (Nashville, TN), Jelly Roll has been taking the underground rap scene by storm as of late. Although not new to the game, ever since joining up with Lil Wyte’s label Wyte Music, Jelly Roll’s presence on the internet has been noticed rapidly. A veteran of the Nashville rap scene, and known for his Free-Style Champion type skills, Jelly Roll was recently quoted saying “Thanks to Lil Wyte for showing me a whole new life.” followed by “Cashville, if this works out like its...
There are several artists by this name: 1. Three Albums From Chris Anderson who teamed up with DJ Robbie for some hot dance releases 2. Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine. I wrote The Long Tail, which first appeared in Wired in October 2004 3. Chris Anderson, composer/playwright and independent musician, who wrote "WAiT - it's a musical!" independent musician E. Christine (Chris) Anderson, is a pop rock exploration of the Biblical story of Jesus' birth. Anderson won a GRAMMY IN THE STREETS award (Baltimore,2003) for her song, "Their Leader" from this project. 4. Chris Anderson, UK-based multi-instrumentalist, formerly member...