Within Y | zh

组队国籍: 荷兰 组建时间: 1996 风格类型:symphonic metal gothic metal Within Temptation成立于1996年,自从荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团The Gathering,约莫于95、96年开始,在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式,逐渐受到愈来愈多乐迷的喜爱,The Gathering的音乐风格也对相当多的新生代乐团产生启发和影响,而The Gathering的影响力有多大,从同为荷兰乐团的后生晚辈Within Temptation和After Forever身上就能听得到! 1996 年,吉他手Robert Westerholt离开其原属的乐团The Circle(后来更名为Voyage),希望另组新团以展开全新的开始,首先他找来他的女友Sharon den Adel担任主唱,接着他又邀请The Circle的前团员加入,于是bass手Jeroen van Veen和吉他手Michiel Papenhove两人决定跳槽来新团,最后,他们再找来一位鼓手Dennis Leeflang,Within Temptation就这样正式成军。不过此时他们仍缺一名keyboard手,很快地这个位置就由Robert的弟弟所补上,WT的阵容也终于抵定。 不久后,他们想方设法联络了不同的唱片机构,WT录制了一卷4曲的demo tape,并寄发给多家唱片公司,希望争取唱片合约,而这张demo也引起多家厂牌的注意,Within Temptation 最后决定与 DSFA Records签约。在与DSFA签约之后,一切进入正轨,然而由于团员们与鼓手不合,于是鼓手的位置很快便由新任的Ivar de Graaf入替。 1997年4月,Within Temptation正式发行了首张专辑,令人印象深刻。专辑风格若扣除吉他手Robert的death vocal演出,事实上就是全然优美导向的gothic metal,不过正由于death腔的加入及厚重的吉他刷扣,使得这张专辑既能呈现动人的优美气息,又不失金属乐该有的重量感。整张专辑的编曲结构虽然简单,但是丰富的情感和气氛烘托,伴随Sharon迷人演唱的引领,反倒能够紧紧地吸引住听者的耳朵!随后WT便受邀参与年度大型金属乐盛会 Dynamo'97,此后的几个月时间,WT都在欧洲各地持续地展开演唱行程。他们甚至进行了两周的巡回演出,历经德国到澳大利亚。随后又有一些其它的精彩的演唱会,其中包括在Noor derslag。 97年年底鼓手Ivar离团,并由Ciro Palma入替。98年期间,WT除了参与了Dynamo'98,并继续一些演出之外,也推出了一张EP。进入99年后,WT决定暂停演出活动,并开始着手新专辑的创作,而Ivar也在此间重新归队。 2000 年,是个变化很大的一年。他们接到邀请去参加在Benelux举行的一次盛大的庆祝活动经过一年多的潜沉,Within Temptation终于在2000年末发表了第二张正式专辑,同时此张作品也同步推出了2CD的特别版,多收录了一张制作精致的CD-ROM,除了有乐团介绍、团员照、一个小game及一首bonus曲外,也包含了几首WT现场演出的video,看到女主唱Sharon在表演时,穿著大礼服狂甩头的模样实在是令人惊讶的! Within Temptation可说是一支表现出色的荷兰美声派gothic乐团,汲取前辈The Gathering的悠扬气氛作风,再更专注于乐曲的情感呈现,并以女主唱Sharon飘渺的动人音色为主轴,2000年末所发表的第二张专辑,不论在各方面都较上张专辑成熟相当多,乐团焦点Sharon明显能听出她唱腔上的进步,除了音色更为浑美外,在转音及高音表现上也都更显出色!而这张专辑的乐风走向则变得更为柔美,金属成份不但大为地减少,death腔的运用也已不复见,改而加入部份男女唱诗班的合唱演出,曲式的编写可说是针对Sharon所量身订作,完全突显出Sharon的美妙音色。 同时为了弥补演奏上的不足,WT特地请来知名键盘手Rene Merkelbach(Ayreon)负责专辑所有管弦乐及键盘器乐的编排,Rene为专辑注入了大量的交响气势,丰富的管弦乐器音色,让这张专辑有了唤然一新的感受!在中略显空洞的编曲,如今则变得鲜活起来,同样简单的编曲结构,但在细致而多样的管弦乐衬托之下,使得WT的悠扬曲式更加令人动容,整张专辑可说极为地悦耳! 事实上从专辑封面上Sharon装扮成天使的模样,以及背后的光明景像,就隐约透露出音乐的明亮走向,而确实优美的管弦乐、钢琴、诗唱表现,和抒情的曲式,使这张专辑中已完全不带一丝歌德的暗黑感,因此称其是歌德已不恰当,WT可说已转型为美声美旋律金属。 如此「柔美」的一张专辑,适合于需要平静或是好心情时聆听,不过金属乐份量的大幅降低,以及键盘管弦乐之外的其它乐器几乎没太多表现的作法,可能会受到一些金属乐迷的质疑,不论如何,音乐好听、有花费心思去做还是最重要的,而乐团的形式如何就不必太计较了。 乐队网址: http://www.within-temptation.com http://within-temptation.over http://within-temptation.devi .
God Within aka Scott Hardkiss was a one of the forefathers of the American rave scene. His self run record label Hardkiss Records was a breeding ground of artists to come like Rabbit in the Moon, Hawke, and many others. His tracks and label were heavily supported by the two of the most powerful men in the progressive music scene, Sasha and John Digweed, and can be seen on their early compilations. Though Scott Hardkiss doesn't produce music of this nature as often anymore, he is still hard at work composing musical scores. .
Melodic metal band from Kouvola Finland. Band was found in summer 2005. Current assembly was formed in early winter 2005, when Tuuli joined to the band and took place of female vocalist. Combines aggressive guitar riffs and bombing drums. All is put final touches to whit beautiful female voice, and growl of man. .
A solo project of Ryan Conley (Volim) started in Boston, Massachusetts in 2001. "Formed in 2001 in Northeastern US, TW(temperature within) started as a electronic music project, focusing on low frequencies, sampled sounds, and loops. TW self released the first two cds "demigod" and "portrait of a moon". The first official release was called "End of Fall" on Stridulum recordings. TW's sound eventually began to incorporate different classical instrumentation along with esoteric themes with the release of "through fire" on the Belgian label Nothingness Records, and the unreleased "volim" ep. After a five year hiatus to focus on other projects,...
Forming in 2007 by Shaun Glass and vocalist Jeremy “Jerms” Genske, Dirge Within immediately began their domination of the competitive heavy music scene, making a name for themselves through extensive touring, earning rave reviews from the press and public alike, while hitting the road with metal luminaries like Trivium, Fear Factory, Static X, Devildriver, Whitechapel, Gwar, Kittie, 36 Crazyfists, and Nonpoint, and appearing on the Chicago stop of the 2009 MAYHEM tour. Following up their acclaimed debut Force Fed Lies, which drew rave reviews in the pages of Revolver, AP, Rocksound and Metal Hammer (UK), and features the singles “Forever...
找到了 44 歌曲, 持续时间: 03:33:05
Emotion Comes From Within [Soundclound Free Promo]
Within Entity
Within The Tides
Death Haunts
Never Forgotten
Sacred Lies
God in Silence
Bittersweet suicide
Feeble and Weak
Face Down
Remains of a Shattered Illusion
Face Down
Feeble and Weak
As The Dust
Silently Leaving
Fade Away
Self Refinement
Lost In Solitude
A Dream Within A Dream
Within The Tides (Original Mix) -=Above=-
God In Silence
Within The Tides (Original Mix)
King Of Flies
Reckoning Day
Remains Of A Shattered Illusion
The Predictable End
Portraying Dead Dreams
I.I.H.T.K.Y (Instrumental Mix)
Within Yourself / It Was For Myself
Within Yourself / It Was For Myself cut
The darkness within us
Not Alone [Deadmau5 Mix]