Lovers and Poets | zh

There are at least 6 bands called The Poets: 1) Band was discovered in it's native Scotland by Andrew Loog Oldham in 1964, signed to Decca that same year and to his Immediate Records label in 1966. Members: George Gallacher (vocals) Hume Paton (lead guitar), Tony Myles (rhythm guitar), John Dawson (bass guitar), Alan Weir (drums), Hughie Nicholson (later Blue and Marmalade). They had a minor hit in late 1964, but failed to have a major impact beyond Scotland. After numerous line-up changes they broke up in 1971. Most well-known track That's The Way It's Got To Be is on...
Silent Poets made approximately six albums between 1994 and 1999, not counting the remix projects that sometimes seemed to garner more attention than the original releases. Our rap-featuring playlist notwithstanding, Michiharu Shimoda (programming, keyboard, sampler, turntable) and Takahiro Haruno (programming, sax, keyboard) were far from what you and I understand to be hip-hop producers. But I guess you could say they approached the matter more serious than others outside of hip-hop who every now and then guest-feature rappers. I derive that from the fact that they worked with the very godfathers of rap, the Last Poets, as early as 1994,...
There are multiple groups by this name. 1: The group formed in 1946 at Armstrong High School in Washington, D.C., with members Harold Lucas, Billy Shelton, and Thomas Woods. John "Buddy" Bailey was added soon after, and they began calling themselves the "Four Clovers", with Bailey on lead. In perfecting their sound, the group pushed Shelton and Woods out in 1948, and brought in Matthew McQuarter and Harold Winley. Their break came in 1950, when they were introduced to Lou Krefetz, who became their manager. They signed to New York's Rainbow Records and released two singles, "Yes Sir, That's My...
Army of Lovers is a pop music group from Sweden founded by Alexander Bard in 1987. They were famous for their controversial music videos (some of which were banned by MTV) and their costumes created by Camilla Thulin. Army of Lovers featured Alexander Bard (1987-2001, 2013), Jean-Pierre Barda (1987-2001, 2013), La Camilla (1987-1991, 1996, 2001, Jan-March 2013), Michaela Dornonville De La Cour (1991-1995), Dominika Peczynski (1992-1996, 2001, March 2013). Debut single 'When The Night Is Cold' was released in 1988. This song was not to be on debut album 'Disco Extravaganza' released in 1990 (re-named 'Army of Lovers when released...
Poets of the fall(以下简称Potf) 乐队来自音乐天才层出不穷的国度---北欧芬兰。 他们的故事开始于2002年芬兰首都赫尔辛基。主音Marko和吉他手Ollie,两位来自不同音乐背景的音乐人走到了一起,开始一同写歌。“我们已经一起呆了一年长的时间了,在这个过程中我们发现彼此的风格可以很好的互相配合起来,于是我们决定一起创作属于我们的歌曲”,后来键盘手Captain的加入构筑了现在的POTF。 最初POTF的起步也很艰辛,Marko 为了自己心爱的音乐甚至变卖了身边其余物品,而当他自己无处居住的时候,干脆和两位伙伴一起搬到了他亲戚的一间地下室。接着他们又在Captain的住所建起一个简陋的小录音室,并且使用Ollie老爷车作为办公室,就这样开始了他们的音乐创作。 乐队的首支单曲是“Late goodbye”,此曲是为颇受赞誉的电脑游戏"Max Payne 2" 而写的插曲。通过电脑游戏,此单曲迅速攀升到芬兰音乐榜得第一名。同时通过这支单曲,令乐队获得国际广泛的肯定以及2004年G.A.N.G(游戏音乐网络协会)颁发的奖项。 他们的第一张正是专辑"Sign of life"在2005年1月迅速攀升到芬兰音乐榜第一位并且在榜上停留长达1年的时间。乐队的第二张专辑"Carnival of Rust"于2006年4月发行,同样在发行第一周就立即占据芬兰音乐榜的第一位,并且与第一张专辑一起至今在音乐榜的官方公布最佳40张专辑中占据位置。至今,两张专辑都在芬兰获得白金销量,8张单曲(包括2张电台宣传碟)经常在芬兰电台被广泛播放,而歌曲"Carnival of Rust"则成为2006年被芬兰电台播放最多的歌曲。 .