Cobra Skulls | zh

Mystery Skulls is the name of Luis Dubuc (The Secret Handshake)'s new project, formed in 2011. It is a blend of funk, soul, and electronic dance beats. Dubuc has released several promotional videos for Mystery Skulls, pairing his songs with retro footage of Star Wars, He-Man, and other classics. Mystery Skulls gained significant online traction after an animated video was posted on Youtube using his song, "Money". The first Mystery Skulls EP is available on Bandcamp , and more songs can be found on Dubuc's tumblr page. In 2014, Dubuc released his first full studio album "Forever" including tracks such...
与The Academy Is... Fall Out Boy Panic! At The Disco Paramore!等同属于Decaydance Records的Cobra Starship是一支来自美国纽约的BreakBeat/Grindcore乐队,他们朗朗上口的旋律和强烈的节奏吸引了无数流行乐迷.   Cobra Starship是由主唱Gabe Saporta 吉他手Ryland Blackinton 贝斯手Alex Suarez 鼓手Nate Novarro 键盘手Victoria Asher 5人组成的。早在06年,乌拉圭人Gabe Saporta一个人组成了Cobra Starship乐队,为《空中蛇患》电影创作并演唱了同名主题曲Snakes On A Plane,并请了Gym Class Heros的Travis McCoy和The Academy Is的William Beckett来客串出演MV.接着,随着Ryland Blackinton,Nate Novarro等人的加入,乐队逐步成型. 终于,在2007年10月发行了专辑!Viva La Cobra!,随即轰动了美国,日本.   08年Cobra Starship受邀参加Vans Warped Tour,他们最新的MVthe City is at War也正在MTV台热播,相信,08年的流行音乐舞台上是不会少了这艘"眼镜蛇飞船" (Cobra Starship)的! .
Peter Agyagos aka DJ Cobra is the premier European trance composer from Slovakia. Born 1978 in Kosice, Slovakia; Cobra found his interest in music in the early 90's. It was a period which the dance music scene was developing a sort of a new style called Dancefloor, which later on evolved into euro-dance. DJ Cobra states, "Initially, I actually didn’t listen to dance music a lot. But when I discovered this new Dancefloor style, I was impressed and was thinking. Now this is great dance music!" Throughout the 90's, Cobra began writing and producing his own style later known as...
Crystal Skulls (not The Crystal Skulls) are a Seattle, Washington-based indie pop band, named after a legend that there are 13 ancient crystal skulls hidden worldwide, which have mystical powers. They are most recognized for their intelligent, smooth, poppy sound, pianistic overtones, and their hard work ethic (in releasing their sophomore album only 12 months after their debut album). Both drummer Casey Foubert and bass guitarist Yuuki Matthews formerly played with the band Seldom. Foubert has also been known to drum for Pedro the Lion on occasion. They have toured the United States with bands such as Minus the Bear,...