ジルバ | zh

JITTERBUG Members: Vo&G.逸見泰典(Yasunori Henmi) G.渡邊高志(Takashi Watanabe) B.和泉昭寛(Akihiro Izumi) Dr.宇佐美哲男(Tetsuo Usami) Jitterbug was formed in 2005 by vocalist/guitarist Yasunori Henmi, guitarist Takashi Watanabe, bassist Akihiro Izumi and drummer Tetsuo Usami. Not just limiting themselves to rock music, they incorporate elements of jazz, blues and funk, drawing from a wide range of influences to create a new style of Japanese rock ‘n roll. Through their music, lyrics and unique voice, their songs overflow with humanity and personality. Jitterbug’s lyrics concern themselves with life, eloquently expressing the need to reject the destructive and wasteful ways of modern society. Combined with their raw, powerful...