The Hand | zh

Bear Hands are a textbook example of contrasting personalities uniting to craft something more than the sum of their parts. Vocalist/guitarist Dylan Rau, the Brooklyn-based quartet’s self-confessed musical Luddite (“I can’t read music, but that’s ok because I’m more of an ideas man,”) peppers his supersonic chatter with an infectious collection of witticisms. By contrast his songwriting partner, guitarist Ted Feldman, grew up playing the cello and carefully selects his answers, admitting to being “a bit of a control freak.” Together, these contradictory characters have combined their strengths to deliver their sophomore album Distraction – a collection in which their...
Secondhand Serenade是乐队名,一个原声摇滚乐队,直译的话是二手小夜曲,不过虽然叫乐队,但实际上,所有的工作都是John Vesely一个人完成的,他负责唱歌演凑吉它和钢琴。所以Secondhand Serenade即是指John Vesely,他1980年生于加尼福尼亚的门洛帕克市,有一个妻子有一个小孩。   加州男生John Vesely的父亲在演奏了20年的爵士乐,从小耳濡目染,难免也对音乐产生兴趣。John 从12岁时开始迷上吉他,并且开始创作歌曲。2005年,John为自己想好了一个艺名——Secondhand Serenade(二手夜曲),毛遂自荐到独立厂牌Glassnote,于是处子专辑《Awake》诞生。虽然Secondhand Serenade标榜自己是Emo,然而他却不如那些Emo乐队那么阴郁、黑暗。这一点从John Vesely的外形就可以窥见一二,John绝对称的上Cute Boy。有别于一般Emo乐队成员喜欢把自己打扮得像要去参加葬礼一样,John Vesely干净健康的外表很有可能会让你误以为这是一个商业流行男歌手。不过千万别以貌取人,John Vesely音乐中激进的速度感和他极具爆发力的演唱绝对能让你热血沸腾。   《A Twist In My Story》是Secondhand Serenade在独立厂牌Glassnote的第二张专辑,距离上一张《Awake》还只有短短的一年时间。顶着首张专辑获得的成功而产生的巨大压力,John Vesely在新专辑中有了很多新鲜的尝试。John Vesely邀请了几位重量级的摇滚制作人作为专辑的幕后推手:为摇滚天团Nine Inch Nails制作过专辑的Danny Lohner,以及超级Emo制作人Butch Walker,他曾为已经功成名就的Emo乐队Fall Out Boy创作了诸多好歌。如果说《Awake》还偶尔能温暖一下,让人心情平和,那么这张《A Twist In My Story》则更适合随着节奏摇头晃脑。John Vesely在谈到这张专辑的时候说,他的创作方式实际上延续了首张专辑,只不过这个过程变的更加复杂,包括音乐的层次和歌曲表达的意境都更加成熟。新的创作环境,新的创作过程,促成了Secondhand Serenade这张更加激情更加好听的《A Twist In My Story》。   吉他在Secondhand Serenade的音乐中一直占据着最为重要的位置,LevisSpace认为,但在新专辑中,钢琴开始大量应用。在Butch Walker担纲制作的几首歌比如《Fall For You》中,人们可以更进一步见识到John 行云流水的钢琴弹奏技巧。开篇的一首《Like A Knife》副歌部分别出心裁嵌入了进行曲式的编曲,John Vesely清澈嘹亮的嗓音一起一伏,让人大呼过瘾。点题之作《A Twist In My Story》几乎没有鼓点,一路只有铿锵有力的吉他铺垫,衬托着John Vesely的呐喊,发泄着内心的迷茫与挣扎。《Why》中运用钢琴+吉他,最重要的是,John Vesely在这首歌里大量用到温柔的假音演唱,给人惊艳之感!倒数第二首《Pretend》也是中板摇滚佳作,采用了与《A Twist In My Story》类似的编曲模式。最后的谢幕之作《Goodbye》中John Vesely不输于金属摇滚乐手的高亢嗓音伴随着原声吉他,给了专辑一个恢弘漂亮的Ending。   Secondhand Serenade的音乐具有Emo的速度感和旋律感,但歌曲意境却没有大多数Emo乐队那么怪异、阴郁。对于一个摇滚男歌手来说,他的嗓音还略显稚嫩,可以说是介于男人与男孩之间,算是特色之一。另外Secondhand Serenade歌曲都比较流行化,对于看重旋律的摇滚乐迷应该很受用。    【专辑】   Awake(英文)   awake专辑分类:欧美音乐   专辑语言:英语   发行日期:2007年02月   发行公司:Om Music   Half Alive   Broken   Vulnerable   Your Call   It's Not Over   I Hate This Song   Awake   End   The Last Song Ever   Let It Roll   Take Me With You   - -- -- -- -- --...
The band title 'The Hand' refers to at least three bands : 1.A Bristol, UK based new folk banjo/kora duo 2.A US based band comprising copious instruments such as sitar, guitar and mellotron. 3. A short lived post-hardcore band out of British Columbia, Canada. They combined elements of modern hardcore, spazzy noise, and cheeky pop. 4. A noise rock band based in Minneapolis, MN, USA, featuring members of Steel Pole Bath Tub, Low, and Gay Witch Abortion. .
The Hands From Seattle: Originally formed as a two-piece, The Hands have recently received a fair bit of attention throughout the Northwest after the release of their debut EP 'So Sweet' in October 2006. Visit for more information. The Hands From Rotterdam: The Hands are from Rotterdam and they have spend the last five years getting to know each other on a musical level through the means of endless jamming and improvising, which now forms the backbone of all their creations. They now try to move beyond genres and us all their influences to create something that moves people,...
找到了 159 歌曲, 持续时间: 23:42:02
The Hand
The Hand Of God
The Hand of Odin
Devil's Eyes
The Hand Of God
Holy War
The Commissioner
Lust Is Love
Vomit Pile King
Little Murders
Screw My Head
The Hand
Climb the Wall
No Sound in Outer Space
Delicious Pain
Sad Circus Clowns
Obey The Hand
The Hand
Electric Chair
Move your hand
Brutal by Design
Tijuana Holiday
The Hand Of God
The Hand
bird in the hand
Bite The Hand That Bleeds
The Hand 1.0
The Hand of Fate - Part I (OST Знаки)
The Hand That Feeds (Zardonic Remix)
Outlive the Hand
The Hand That Feeds (Zardonic Remix)
The Hand That Feeds
By The Hand of the Mortal
Outlive The Hand [Atmospheric/Melodic Death]