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1976年,Iron Maiden最初由贝斯手史蒂夫·哈里斯(Steve Harris)组建,而当时乐队的其他成员为吉他手Tony Parsons,鼓手Doug Sampson和主唱Paul Di'Anno。在与唱片公司正式签约之前,Iron Maiden一直都在伦敦当地不停的演出,乐队的歌曲在当地的电台中非常受欢迎。1980年,在新吉他手Dennis Stratton取代了Tony Parsons之后,Iron Maiden发行了乐队的首张同名专辑《Iron Maiden》。Iron Maiden的这张专辑虽然是在仓促之中完成,但由于单曲《Running Free》在英国大受欢迎,因此这张专辑在英国的销量也是非常令人满意的。1981年,Iron Maiden的第二张专辑《Killers》面世,曲风更加硬朗。在这张专辑中,阿德里安·史密斯(Adrian Smith)代替了Dennis Stratton,出任Iron Maiden的新吉他手。而由于严重的酗酒,主唱Paul Di'Anno也在《Killers》专辑面世之后被迫离开了乐队。   在Di'Anno离队不久,大嗓门的布鲁斯·迪金逊(Bruce Dickinson)火速加入了Iron Maiden。1982年,拥有了新阵容的Iron Maiden发行了他们的经典之作《Number of the Beast》。这张专辑被评论界认为是重金属历史上最为经典的专辑之一,其中较为出色的单曲包括同名单曲《Number of the Beast》,《Run To The Hills》以及《Hallowed Be Thy Name》。随着《Number of the Beast》在世界各地出人意料的成功,Iron Maiden也奠定了他们重金属音乐届巨星的地位。在Iron Maiden的下一张录音室专辑《Piece of Mind》当中,乐队的音乐风格几乎与《Number of the Beast》没有任何的改变。1983年,在录制专辑《Powerslave》之前,Iron Maiden举行了两次大规模的巡演。1984年发行的《Powerslave》成为Iron Maiden又一张颇具实力的专辑,而乐队长达11个月的世界巡演也被整理收录在了1985年的双张现场《Live After Death》当中。迄今为止,《Live After Death》被认为是Iron Maiden最有代表性的现场专辑之一。   在《Live After Death》发行之后,Iron Maiden已经是当时的金属届中独一无二的乐队。1986年,在经过了两年的沉淀之后,Iron Maiden发行了第六张录音室专辑《Somewhere in Time》。在这张专辑中,Iron Maiden开始更多的尝试使用合成器,而专辑中所有的歌曲也开始偏向于表达同一个主题,整体上开始概念化。1988年,Iron Maiden的第七张录音室专辑《Seventh Son of a Seventh Son》面世。这是一张与《Somewhere in Time》一样的概念化的专辑,其中的畅销单曲包括《The Evil That Men Do》和《The Clairvoyant》。同时,这张《Seventh Son of a Seventh Son》也是Iron Maiden乐队自《Number of the Beast》之后最受评论界好评的一张专辑。紧接着,在一次大规模的巡演之后,Adrian Smith选择了离开Iron Maiden。1年后,新吉他手Janick Gers加入Iron Maiden,随乐队发行了新专辑《No Prayer for the Dying》。虽然专辑中的《Bring Your the Slaughter》被评为Golden Raspberry奖的最差歌曲,但《No Prayer for the Dying》依然成为了Iron Maiden在英国的首张冠军专辑。在1991年的巡演之后,主唱Bruce Dickinson表示想要离开Iron...
Oxxxymiron (real name Miron Yanovich Fyodorov) is a Russian and British hip-hop artist. His style combines grime, battle rap-influenced hardcore hip-hop and alternative/abstract hip-hop. Oxxxymiron was born in Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia) in 1985 in Jewish-Russian family, his father was a physicist, and his mother was a librarian. In 1994 his family moved from Russia to Germany, where his father got a job, and in 2000 to the UK. Miron grew up listening mostly to Soviet 1980s rock bands like Akvarium, Grazhdanskaya Oborona and Yanka Dyagileva, but at one moment, while in Germany, started to be interested in...
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The idea behind From Ashes to New, was to do something fresh and meaningful. By taking every kind of music that influences them, FATN is able to create a sound that is not only refreshing but also makes you feel as if you've known it all along. With songs geared toward everyday struggles and uplifting lyrics in the direction of self betterment; From Ashes to New looks to capture the attention of listeners from all walks of music. Vocalist Matt Brandyberry and drummer Jon-Mikel Valudes discusses the process of the new EP and upcoming plans between now into next year!...