No Use for a Name | zh

Tacoma-based My Name took hardcore-tinged pop-punk an extra step with their intelligent lyrics, complex drum arrangements and melodic vocal hooks. In 1992, they released their debut album, Megacrush, on Seattle label, C/Z Records. Megacrush won some critical acclaim and helped build their name in the Northwest. Soon after its release, the band gained spots on tours with All and Bad Religion, which helped build a national following for the band. In 1993, they released their second album, Wet Hills and Big Wheels. By this time they had opened for a whole crop of successful bands, including Soundgarden, Primus and Jesus...
MYNAME (Korean: 마이네임; Japanese: マイネーム) is a five-member Korean idol group that promotes in South Korea and Japan. The members include Gunwoo, Insoo, Seyong, JunQ, and Chaejin. MYNAME debuted October 27th, 2011 under the wing of ex-FLY TO THE SKY member Hwanhee who acted as their vocal trainer and record producer. They were dubbed as "Hwanhee Boys" at the time and trained for two years. The group was given a reality show on SBS MTV titled "Ta-Dah It's My Name" and the pilot episode aired on October 25th, 2011, two days before their debut, followed by regular programming on November...
There are several artists with the name Nameless. 1) Italian Thrash Metal band from Vicenza, Italy since 2000. Page -> Nameless (IT) 2) Nameless is a hip-hop producer from Flint, Michigan. 3) Nameless is a French indie/rock band. Official site: 4) There is also a band called Nameless (Ternopil, Ukraine) playing psychedelic rock. More information Nameless (UA, Ternopil) and 5) Nameless is a popular Kenyan artist. 6) Nameless is a Death Metal band from Cali, Colombia. 7) Nameless is an Alternative Rock bend from Šibenik, Croatia. 8) Cardiff based neo-punk metal mentalists. An ever changing lineup, but...
由河森正治领衔当红的AKB48应运而生的动画「AKB0048」并没有取得预想中的巨大反响,但是精良的宇宙舞台制作和影射AKB现状的剧情也让观众和fan们在少女前行的梦想中得到不少感动。AKB成员中选拔出的声优选拔组渡辺麻友、仲谷明香、佐藤亜美菜、石田晴香、佐藤すみれ、岩田華怜、矢神久美、秦佐和子、三田麻央9人组成的NO NAME,作为二期动画主题曲的第二张单曲同样在动画完结后一周发售,此次A面主打的是作为ED的「この涙を君に捧ぐ」,中板的抒情曲不像一期ED那样带着舞曲的调子,而是用温暖的歌声去守护所有的人,带着别离的感伤,却同样充满希望的萌芽。这首歌在动画中也屡次作为插入曲出现,不得不说有些地方相当戳泪点啊。新OP「主なきその声」则是从前奏就带着些许俏皮可爱,可以说是NO NAME五首歌曲中最为IDOL风的一首歌曲,不过同样激发着梦想的歌词延续着NO NAME的精神。 另外四个版本的单曲也将动画中出现的5首作为LIVE插入曲使用的NO NAME成员ver.的AKB名曲一并收录,这9位成员的推们可谓期待已久,不久前召开的NO NAME FIRST KIRALIVE的完整映像也收录在了初回DVD当中,至此「AKB0048」的企划算是完全结束了,也可能是因为商业反响并不大的原因,并没有想象中的角色歌连发,9位声优选拔成员中3人都即将在这个春天从48系组合中毕业,其中2人更是因为这部动画企划决定放弃偶像身份而专心继续“声优”的梦想,动画中少女们的梦想已经在闪闪发亮,现实中NO NAME成员们的梦想也还在扬帆远行。 .
There are at least two bands called The Name. 1) The Name was the solo project and then full band featuring Philadelphia musician Seth Engel. They released two EPs and two 5 song demo CDs, as well as a free three track internet demo. The Name broke up in May 2008, but their website is still online at . Seth's new band is called Options 2) Formed in 2006 by Andy (guitar and vocals), Molinari (bass) and Alves (drums), The Name brings a post-punk and new wave revival, with many influences of the 80's and contemporary elements. In December of...