João Paulo Daniel | zh

Daniel Portman was born and raised in the suburbs of Zurich, Switzerland. He fell in love with electronic music at a very young age. It was the late 90s, with all its ups and downs, when young Daniel started to test his musical abilities on an Akai2000 sampler and an old sequencer. After a long ride of experimenting, he ended up with a bunch of tracks. Daniel went back to his small bedroom studio, made another bunch of tracks and along the way he stumbled into the porn industry. He played in different adult movies in order to pay his...
* 歌手Daniel Powter——2005年MTV欧洲音乐奖提名最佳新人 * 专辑《Daniel Powter》——2005年荣登英国金榜第5名,一张为郁闷的现代人重新找回生活激情的流行音乐大碟 * 歌曲Bad day--2004年可口可乐公司为期两周的广告活动宣传曲;2005年英国金榜亚军单曲、连续十周占据瑞士单曲榜冠军、如旋风般地在法国电台创下点播奇迹并将近两个月蝉联榜首…… 怎样来定义Daniel Powter(丹尼尔·波特)?歌手?钢琴家?才情兼备的诗人?大器晚成的音乐人?听了专辑《Daniel Powter》里的两支曲子Bad day和Free loop以后,您或许会认为,以上所有称谓戴在他头上都不为过。专辑《Daniel Powter》发行于2005年,其中的十首心情小品,均是他一手创作。 在Daniel Powter的创作空间里,歌词、旋律与嗓音有着一种奇特的呼应与对比。他笔下的歌词大都以日常生活中的所见所闻为主,反映的是现代都市生活的疲惫、忙碌与无奈;而歌曲的旋律却在忧郁与无奈之间,迸发着充满爆发力的激昂与热情;作为一名歌手,Daniel Powter能在真假音切换中运用自如,使每首歌曲跌宕起伏、错落有致,而且,诗人的特性更让其假音流露着对现代都市的无尽嘲讽,尤其在歌曲Lie to me和Hollywood中,这种嘲弄和讽刺被挥洒的淋漓尽致。 .
The British violinist, Daniel Hope, is renowned the world over for his musical versatility and creativity. In January 2007 he signed an exclusive contract with Deutsche Grammophon, with whom he will now record a variety of projects. In 2004 Hope won three major awards for his recording of Berg and Britten Concerti - the Classical Brit Awards in England, and in Germany the Deutsche Schallplattenpreis and the ECHO Klassik Prize. At the 2005 Grammy™ Awards he received two nominations; and in October 2006 he won the ECHO Prize for the third year in succession. The New York Times said of...
Daniel Kandi (Danish) was originally a producer known for his remixes. His remix team, Hit 'n' Run, worked with such Danish artists as Tue West, Thomas Helmig, Tv2, Christine Milton, Sisse Marie, and Infernal, as well as artist from other countries, such as Pain & Rosini, Terri Walker, and David Morales. He then turned his musical experience and focus onto the trance scene, recording on the Anjunabeats label. .
[fansite][/fansitesite]. In 1964, she dubbed the song through a movie "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" for the role of Geneviève Emery, played by Catherine Deneuve. In 1969, she recorded her greatest hit “Concerto Pour Une Voix”. the album has sold over 15 million copies alone. She has sold over 20 million copies of her albums during her career. Her characteristic singing style has been notorious for lacking of lyrics, communicating emotions thru sounds rather than lyrics, in the same way a violin would; which may have fueled her popularity in non-French speaking countries like Germany, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Japan and Korea....