Alex Mica - Dalinda (The Perez Brothers Remix) | zh

ALEXANDROS Born and raised in the city of Patra, Alexandros embarked on his musical journey by participating in local rock bands not only as a guitar and bass player but as a singer as well. By the end of the 70s, he is a member of the punk group “80s Ways” where he composes his first songs. In the meanwhile, he manages to record his first demo using his very first Synthesizer and some poor musical means found in Patra at that time. In 1982 having prepared some synth-pop songs, he travels to Athens and records in the Cosmosound studio...
泽西州,自高中时期就是好友的主唱 Gerard Way 及 Matt Pelissier(鼓手),虽然对于音乐有着难以割舍的喜好,但是毕业之后,还是为了生活现实面,找寻一个正当长久的工作,几年过去,仍不忘情于音乐,两人相互沟通后决定展开组团创作计画,Gerard 邀约他所认识吉他弹的不赖的 Ray Toro 加入,便以三人型态维持数个月的音乐创作,与 Gerard 有血缘关系的 Mikey Way,自告奋勇的表白想成为该团贝斯手一职,接着他们四位被当地的独立厂牌相中,在 2002 年开始进行专辑筹备工作,此时他们再找来 Frank Iero 担任主奏吉他手,为乐曲作更完美的润饰! 但是在这段期间,Gee开始沉浸于毒品和酒精中.后来他们加入了华纳唱片公司.鼓手也由Matt换成了来自伊利诺伊的BoB,他也是唯一一个不是来自新泽西的乐队成员.期间他们开着大巴到美国各地演出,在他们最困难的时期甚至偷过别的乐队的T穿.期间,Gee和Mikey的祖母去世,他们为纪念她而创作了<>一曲.而这首歌所在的专辑<>也使他们一炮而红.<>的音乐录影带更是获得了当年的MTV摇滚类最佳录影带大奖.2004年,在日本巡演时,Gee大病一场,但这也使得他彻底告别了可卡因.2006年他们推出了最新的大碟<>.这是一次崭新的尝试,为我们带来了一个不一样的MCR.这张概念专辑以<>,<>和Queen的<>作为标准;在Rob Cavallo的指引下,MCR隐身在洛杉矶的一个鬼魅的修道院里创作出了一张扭曲宏大又带有终极希望的专辑,讲述了一个癌症病人在死亡边缘最终找到了生存与爱的方向."我生怕搞出没特色的东西而无法圆满"Gee在巡演的格拉斯哥站这样说道,"我在想:我的整个生命走到这一步,我会有什么要说的吗?现在每晚演唱这些歌曲就像是一种胜利." .
J Soul Brothers is an all-male Japanese R&B group. The first incarnation of the group came about in 1999 when former member of the Japanese group Zoo, Hiro, startet a new R&B group with the dancers Matsu, Usa, and Makidai, and singer Sasa. The group disbanded in 2001 when Sasa decided to embark on a solo career, and the remaining members went on to form another Japanese R&B group, Exile. In 2007 Hiro decided to revive the group with all new members: singers Nesmith and Shokichi, and the dancers Kenchi, Keiji, Tetsuya, Naoto, and Naoki, with Hiro on producing duties....
Alexandra Stan是来自罗马尼亚的才气歌手兼作曲家,生于1989年7月10日。    她曾在“特拉扬”在康斯坦察兰心大戏院,目前她是安德烈Saguna学院的学生。她曾参加过许多大大小小的音乐比赛,在Mamaia的音乐节上由于漂亮的外表和歌唱实力而受人关注。 她如今被人称为“罗马尼亚舞曲天后”。Alexandra Stan还曾翻唱过Rihanna经典歌曲take a bow。 .
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