Cherry Lips | zh

Throughout the month of May 2007, Yasu and Acid Black Cherry went on a secret nationwide tour of Japan, culminating in a show in Shinjuku which was webcast live to the world. Their first single, SPELL MAGIC, released on July 18, 2007, debuting at #4 on the Oricon Singles Charts in Japan. ABC's second single, entitled Black Cherry, was released on September 26, 2007, followed by a third single (November 28, 2007), Aishitenai. Their fourth single, entitled Fuyu no Maboroshi, was released on January 16, 2008, to the number one spot on the Japanese Oricon Singles chart. All the singles...
Three artists with the name Cherry Bomb: 1) Cherry Bomb is the band in the movie Howard The Duck with Lea Thompson on vocals and produced by Thomas Dolby. 2) Cherry Bomb is an alias of Richard Brown: 3) Cherry Bomb is a covers band from Ipswich It all started in 1993 when Richard decided to join forces with Nick Simpson and release a white label called "Can't take it" under the name Rhythm Invention. The track became an instant club anthem and was promptly signed to Warp Records after a certain Chris Duckenfield (then working in the Warp shop)...
Cherry Filter (체리필터) is a Korean rock band that was started by Jijonbo and his long time friends in 1997. They were mostly underground until their second album "Made in Korea?" became an instant hit with its single "Nangman Goyangi" (낭만 고양이). Since then, Cherry Filter has become one of the most popular Korean bands around. In 2001, Youjeen (their vocalist), left for a while to have a solo career in Japan before the band had made it big. Youjeen's Japanese career was very successful, and she released her second solo album soon after Cherry Filter's second album. Cherry Filter's...
MEEKO パート     パンチングボーカリスト笑 生年月日    1/27 性別      ♀ 血       お-がた 好きな◆%∇$ 幸せそぅな笑顔★らくがき★みぃの周りをとりまく人たち!!!!!、ほしのあき 嫌いな%~×♯ 虫★今険悪ムードじゃね??;とか系の空間… 一言      手羽先はコラーゲンが沢山★         そしてCHERRYBLOSSOMはわくわくドキドキが沢山!!         みんなの笑顔を見せつけてくれぃ!!MEEKOをよろしくねっ★★ MAICO パート     うた 生年月日     10/13 性別      ♀ 血        B 好きな物    うたうこと、友達、睡眠、ピンク、お買い物☆、からあげ、梨花 嫌いな物    おばけ、ゴキ 一言      明るく楽しく元気良く☆引き締めるトコは締めて頑張りまーす☆ KUPPA パート     ぎたぁ 生年月日     8/24 性別      ♂ 血        A 好きな物    オムライス、辛いもの、トマトジュース、ガッキー 嫌いな物    とまと 一言      ピーチ姫はゆずらねーぜ 83 パート     べ~す! 生年月日     6/8 性別      ♂ 血       えー 好きな食べ物  甘い系ならなんでも~でも和菓子は微妙かも・・・、山川えりか 嫌いな食べ物  とまと&なす 一言      いつも眠いか腹減ってるのでえさを与えてください(笑)         人懐っこいのでかまってあげてください(笑) パート     どらむすこ 生年月日     1/21 性別      ♂ 血       AB 好きな場所   おもちゃ、堂本剛、ポケモン、ビントロ、マンガ、動物 嫌いな場所   心霊、酢豚のパイン 一言      『消しゴムのかど使ったくらいで怒るなよ~』 08/3/31/,kuppa were leaved the Cherryblossom .
1) Flipside is a Danish/Swedish duo who plays ultrachilled cinematic music. Their unique blend of Scandinavian melancholy and baleric chill out makes them sound like nothing else the sound is pure deluxe - heavenly, smooth and thrillingly crisp. With their trademark sound of acoustic guitars, trumpet, cello and vocals combined with electronic beats, sounds and smooth vibes has Flipside already established themselves in the Premier league of chill out. Flipside released their first album "inside" in 2003 - the second album "deep" in 2004 and the third album "presence" is out now! 2) Korean hip hop trio (J-Gue, 지구인, Boi...