Cone | zh

埃尼奥·莫里康尼(Ennio Morricone),意大利作曲家,1928年11月10日出生于罗马,在长达50多年的职业生涯中,莫里康尼给多达300部影片做过作曲和配乐,其中最著名的就是他为意大利西部片大师Sergio Leone“赏金三部曲”谱写的经典旋律。 2006年12月,美国电影艺术与科学学院把奥斯卡奖终生成就奖授予莫里康尼,认为他“对电影音乐做出了无与伦比、层出不穷的贡献”,学院主席西德·加尼斯在声明中说:“该奖不只意味着对莫里康尼先生创作的无数杰作的承认,还因为其中有那么多是大家挚爱的流行经典。”历史上,莫里康尼曾5次获奥斯卡提名,依次是《铁面无私》、《天堂之日》、《任务》、《一代情枭毕斯》和《西西里的美丽传说》。这次终于获奖。莫里康尼对意大利的天空卫视说:“我真是从来没想过这种事,我的内心非常平和,不再对这类事情动心了。当然这个奖是代表着非常重要的承认,我知道有很大的价值。” 莫里康尼的创作范围极广,除意大利西部片外,还包括《U型转弯》、《吹牛顾客》、《美国往事》、《铁面无私》、《怪形》、《天堂之日》、《阿尔及利亚之战》、《神剑女王》和《天堂电影院》等。 莫里康尼的作品影响了一代又一代的电影人和音乐家。 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺就在《杀死比尔》中向他致敬,华裔大提琴家马友友还曾在2004年与罗马交响乐团录制了一张莫里康尼音乐专辑,担任指挥的就是莫里康尼本人。2001年开始,莫里康尼展开了自己担任指挥的世界巡演,2007年2月3日将在纽约亮相。之后他还会再次和老朋友朱塞托·托纳托雷合作,为他的二战新片《列宁格勒》担任配乐。 更多请见 (莫里康音乐,也可由 进入),这是中国大陆第一家,也是全球第一家中文(含英文)莫里康音乐主题网站 2007.6.14 最新消息,为纪念"莫里康音乐"网站创办四周年,一个有奖征答活动正在进行(2007.6.6-8.6)欢迎您的参与.详情请见 .
Mixing the international pop with the European dance music, Conexão Midi - recently represented by Carol Antunes (vocals), Flavio Medeiros (production, keyboards and vocals) and Rogério de Carvalho (vocals), has written its name on national and international dance scene, just like other Brazilian projects, like Sect, Karina, Gottsha, Any Second and Ricco Robbit. The first hit by Conexão Midi was "On Line Plus" (1994), that, like a hurricane, got the attention of FM Radio Stations all over Brazil, just after they presented the song at "Xou da Xuxa". The song "On Line Plus" turned Conexão Midi into the first Brazilian...
Conejo is a Chicano rapper, originally from Los Angeles, California. Recognized as one of the finest examples of Chicano rap, because of his straightforward lyrics that express the life of a Mexican gangster. He already has several albums and mixtapes to back it up. He is also part of the group called Tattoo Ink, with whom they already have 2 studio albums. Tattoo Ink consists of Conejo himself and his brother Bugsy 2 Guns, their third brother, Venom, frequntly features in tracks with them. He is from Dead End Harpys gang located in West Los Angeles. His production company is...
Nicola Ciccone, a Canadian of Italian origin, discovered his passion for singing and writing very early. His first songs were written in English at the age of twelve and later in Italian, French and Spanish. In 1998, he won Ma Première Place des Arts contest and immediately picked up his first record contract. While studying child psychology at McGill University and the University of Montréal, Nicola launched his first album, L'Opéra du mendiant, in 1999. It was an instant success. Not only did the album receive exceptional critical acclaim, but it also sold 60,000 copies. In September 2001, Nicola Ciccone...