Juliet Turner | zh

音乐才女,70年生,墨西哥流行音乐中坚。精通各种乐器,有个孪生姐姐是位摄影师。 拉丁葛莱美奖「最佳摇滚演唱专辑」得主、墨西哥音乐才女再次精彩横扫墨西哥、西班牙个人第四张好评专辑。 专辑荣获2006年拉丁葛莱美奖「最佳另类专辑」肯定;2007葛莱美奖「最佳流行拉丁专辑」提名出道将进入第十个年头之际,Julieta总是慢工出细活的相隔每三年发行一张优作,个人第四次出击的《Limon Y Sal》,抢下墨西哥数位专辑榜冠军+流行专辑榜季军,谱出白金之作、美国金唱片纪录、西班牙榜Top4同获颁白金佳绩。绝对动人流畅的首波单曲《Me Voy》,轻松写意的拉出蝉连墨西哥榜12周冠军+西班牙三周冠军+意大利季军+美国拉丁榜Top8畅销佳绩;《Primer Dia》淋上夏日风情的雷鬼旋律,并搭配时兴流行的嘻哈饶舌调调;第二支同名作品《Limon Y Sal》,延续首功单曲气势开出墨西哥Top4+西班牙Top10好成绩;谱入较为沉重音阶之《Ultima Vez》,并以电子润饰其伤感冷调情节;这位曾在2004年抱走拉丁葛莱美「最佳摇滚演唱专辑」的Julieta,添入摇滚领域最具挑战性的尝鲜音符,增加最具聆听享受的丰富声调。 Julieta Venegas曾受到著名的拉丁音乐制作人 Gustavo Santaolalla 的信赖,分别在1997年和2000年制作了最早的两部专辑。当Julieta Venegas 的第三部专辑面市时,她的音乐开始受到了世界的重视。Sí这一张 让她获得了50万的销售量,歌曲也可在西班牙很容易的找到。三年之后,2006年在得到了大众的支持下,她带着自己最有自传性质的作品满怀信心地重返西班牙。 Julieta Venegas 的音乐生涯只是从8年前开始的,那时她开始了钢琴古典音乐的学习。青少年时期她曾经成立过几个不同的音乐组合,之后很快就做出了开始独唱歌手生涯的决定。她是自己大部分所唱歌曲的作者,或许在她的音乐中最具代表力的就是不可缺少的手风琴和她独特的嗓音,因为这些,她创作出了很多不同风格的音乐,比如rock, pop, hip hop, reggae, tango, bolero 和cumbia。这些音乐具有创作性,原汁原味,充满了色彩和神奇。 2006年九月 Julieta Venegas 在西班牙进行了七场演唱会,在2007年三月,她还在几个2006年还没来得及拜访过的城市中进行巡回演出。 Mexican singer/songwriter Julieta Venegas established herself initially as a cutting-edge Latin alternative artist during the late '90s, before her career shifted direction significantly with her third album, Sí (2003), a broadly appealing pop/rock effort graced with genuine hits, including a couple chart-toppers. In the wake of her 2003 breakthrough, Venegas didn't look back. Her next album, Limón y Sal (2006), was just as broadly appealing as its predecessor,...
Alex Turner 名字:Alexander David Turner   生日:1986.1.6   出生地:High Green, Sheffield, England   音乐类型:另类摇滚(Alternative rock),独立摇滚(indie rock),复兴后朋克(post-punk revival),迷幻(psychedelic rock),先锋( avant-garde rock)、艺术摇滚(art rock),巴洛克(baroque pop)。   乐器:吉他,贝斯,钢琴,小号,管风琴,口琴 早期:   Alex是Penny和David Turner唯一的孩子,他们俩分别在谢菲尔德的一所中学教德语和音乐,Alex从小在High Green长大,这是谢菲尔德的一个郊区。   他于1997-2002年在Stockbridge高中就读,并且被他的英语老师Steven Barker 所熟识,“他总是那么标新立异,与众不同,敏锐与聪明将使一切变得更加可观。他有很好的幽默感。你从来察觉不到他对声音有什么独特的见解和领悟,但你能感觉到他确实很有诗意。"   他花费了青少年时期的大多数时间来听说唱乐,例如Roots Manuva。后来他将重心转移到吉他方面并且取得了很大的突破。Turner的父母于2001年圣诞节买给他人生中第一把吉他。   个人生活:   Turner于2007年4月与电视台主持人兼模特Alexa Chung结婚。他们的主要居所在东伦敦哥伦比亚,但他们同时也在纽约市布鲁克林区居住。   他早期曾与 Johanna Bennett约会过两年,后者是伦敦大学Goldensmiths学院心理学学生。他与她合写了"荧光青少年"。Bennett现在和Kings of Leon的吉他手Matthew Followill结婚。但她表示,"依旧是朋友"。   Turner与Jemina Pearl 在2007年有过短暂的合作。   Turner是谢周三俱乐部的狂热支持者。   生涯:   北极猴子(Arctic Monkeys)   乐队在2005年的竞购战后选择签约独立厂牌Domino。他们的首张专辑”Whatever people say,Thats not what i am(无论人们这样说,这都不是我想要的)"于2006年初创下了有史以来英国销售最快的专辑。接下来这支乐队有发行了两张专辑"Favourite Worst Nightmare" (2007) 和"Humbug" (2009)。他们的第四张专辑将很快在2011年6月6日发行。   The Last Shadow Puppets   在2007年8月,Turner宣布与Miles Kane, James Ford和Owen Pallett共录一张专辑。   这张专辑于2008年4月28日发行,并夺得排行榜冠军位置。2008年末,他们与伦敦爱乐乐团的合作完成了一个小巡演。此次巡演于2008年8月在朴次茅斯市政厅开始。   作品集:   专辑:   2011 - Arctic Monkeys - Suck It and See   2011 - Alex Turner - Submarine Soundtrack 2009 - Arctic Monkeys - Humbug 2008 - The Last Shadow Puppets - The Age...
“Music is what I do….” This classically trained crooner deftly combines streams of jazz, hip-hop, funk, and soul in his music; he’s as comfortable with falsetto and scatting as he is with laying down smooth and creative phrasings. Growing up Oakland, CA, Chris Turner knew at the age of four that he wanted to be a singer just like his father. As a child, he was member of the Kairos Youth Choir at Crowden Music School, performed at the age of nine with the San Francisco Opera Company, and was a student with the Young Musicians Program at the University...
Big Joe Turner (Joseph Vernon Turner Jr., Kansas City, Missouri, May 18, 1911 – Inglewood, California, November 24, 1985) was an American blues shouter. Although he came to his greatest fame in the 1950s with his pioneering rock and roll recordings, particularly "Shake, Rattle and Roll", Turner's career as a performer stretched from the 1920s into the 1980s. (for stride pianist Joseph H. Turner (3.11.07-21.7.90) > Joe Turner) Known variously as The Boss of the Blues, and Big Joe Turner (due to his 6'2", 300+ lbs stature), Turner was born in Kansas City and first discovered his love of music...
Josh Turner (born Joshua Otis Turner, November 20, 1977 in Hannah, South Carolina) is an American country music singer-songwriter. Josh Turner is a country artist who describes his music as South Carolina Lowcountry. His voice and musical style has often been compared to that of Johnny Cash's. Hailing from the Hannah, South Carolina, Josh moved to Nashville in 1996 to study music at Belmont University. It was there that he met his current wife, Jennifer Ford, whom he married in 2003. During that same year, he released his debut album, Long Black Train. The title song "Long Black Train" peaked...
找到了 8 歌曲, 持续时间: 37:42
Lie (feat. Juliet Turner)
Business As Usual
The House At The Top Of The Hill
The Girl With the Smile
Call Me Green
The Signal and the Noise