Faustus | zh

There are three bands called Faustus. 1) UK traditional English folk band. They are Paul Sartin - Bellowhead Belshazzar's Feast gypsy fiddle, oboe and ex-Dr Faustus; Saul Rose - melodeon and ex player with Norma Waterson and Martin Carthy; and Benji Kirkpatrick - guitar, bouzouki and Bellowhead who has worked on Seth Lakeman's albums, the Oysterband Big Session and Dr Faustus, Benji continues to play in his father's ceilidh band Mr Gubbins Bicycle. Their collaborative album, Faustus, was released 12 May 2008. The have just been nominated for Best Band in the BBC Folk Awards 2009. 2) Swedish Black Metal...
The idea of forming Arkhon Infaustus came to D.Deviant's mind in late 1997 in Paris, Île-de-France. He needed to express more personal conceptions through a more brutal and bestial kind of music and image. He was soon joined by 666Torturer. So was born the band which wasn't based on a part time role played by its members but on their everyday life philosophy. At the beginning of 1998, a rehearsal demo was recorded and was quickly after put on CD by Mordgrimm Records (Cacophonous Record's artistic manager's label who also discovered bands such as Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Covenant,...
Think two artist have been confused here. One must be some sort of harcore rap, the other is traditional hardcore folk... the albums below are of the latter sort. .
找到了 121 歌曲, 持续时间: 18:03:14
Falsche Menschen (mit Dr. Faustus und Frauenarzt)
Hirngefickt (mit Dr. Faustus)
Mörder auf dem Hinterhof 2
Tote Hunde beissen nicht
Auf die harte Tour
Offene Rechnungen
Taschen voller Geld
Pass auf was Du machst
Auf die harte Tour
Bullenschlitzer 3 (mit Dr. Faustus und Pervers)
Wie ein Phantom
Dr. Faustus
Hostel (mit Dr. Faustus und Dr. Jekyll)
Im Visier
Kein Schema
Ich töte gerne ...
Taschen voller Geld
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