Derek Marin | zh

Thre is more than one artist with this name: 1)For London-based all girl outfit, rename your files as per :) 2) Marine were a shortlived Belgian crew who found home in the post-punk movement in the UK. The sleevenotes in this LTM release even credit their "frantic funk" sound as as an influence on Josef K. It's easy to see why on this compilation which encompasses their entire studio recordings but considering they only released four singles that's not really saying much. The group appreciated The Clash (the 'London Calling' style howling on 'Animal In My Head' and 'Remember...
Born in Indiana, Derek Fiechter began composing music at the age of twelve. Over the years, he's played for many wedding receptions, worked on music for various people, helped out music bands, and taught piano lessons. The soundtrack from The Lord of the Rings films influenced his music and inspired him to compose new types of music. One of his main ideas or goals is to create music that has a specific melody and theme to it, something people can hum or sing to. His style is primarily instrumental with a touch of soundtrack, game, world, and ambient added to...
Cheech Marin (born Richard Anthony Marin on July 13, 1946), is a Mexican American comedian and actor. He was born in South Los Angeles to Oscar Marin (an LAPD officer) and Elsa Melsa. Marin is a graduate of California State University Northridge where he was a member of Phi Sigma Kappa. His stage persona is that of a stereotypical Mexican immigrant, or an uneducated urban Chicano. Fleeing from the US draft during the height of the Vietnam War in 1968, Marin settled in Vancouver, British Columbia, where he met future comedic partner Tommy Chong. As a part of the duo...
德瑞克&多米诺斯(Derek & the Dominos)是Eric Clapton在1970年5月组建的乐队。这支乐队被后世誉为“最豪华阵容”的乐队,乐队成员除了Eric Clapton和他在原Bramlett乐队的三个朋友键盘手obby Whitlock,贝司手Carl Radle,鼓手Jim Gordon外,还有另一名顶级吉他手Duane Allman。尤其是Eric Clapton和Duane Allman的碰撞,迸发出了乐队成员全部的激情和潜能,由此诞生了世上最为悲壮的情歌。也许是辉煌耗去了乐队太多的能量。次年同期,Derek and the Dominoes宣告解散。其后,除了obby Whitlock外,所有成员都不得善终:5个月后Duane Allman就在一次摩托车事故中丧生;Carl Radle在1980年死于肾衰竭(据分析可能和吸毒过度有关);Jim Gordon精神失常,在1983年杀害了他的母亲;而Eric Clapton则身陷情迷和毒瘾两大囹圄,若不是好友Pete Townshend在关键的时刻援手,很可能“Layla”就会成为Eric Clapton真正的绝命曲。 .